
Country Profile

The Republic of Malawi is located in Southern Central Africa along the Western part of the Great Rift Valley. Covering a total area of 118,484 km², it stretches some 900 km North to South, and between 90 and 161 km East to West. It is bordered by the United Republic of Tanzania to the North and North East, Mozambique to the East, South and South West, and Zambia to the West. The country is divided into three regions: the Southern Region, which is undulating and densely populated; the Central Region, which consists of fertile plains and is well-populated; and the mountainous and sparsely populated Northern Region. Lake Malawi is the third largest lake in Africa, spanning a length of 568 km and a width of between 16 and 80 km.

Head of State: H.E. Dr Lazarus Chakwera

Capital City:
Independence Day: 6 July 1964

Area/Size of country (km²):
Time Zone: CAT (UTC+2)

Languages: English, Chichewa
Currency: Malawi Kwacha (MWK ) 1 MK= 100 tambala
GDP: USD 7, 065 Billion
Natural resources: Tobacco, sugar, tea, cotton, groundnuts, coffee, fish and wildlife

Population: 16 Million


Ministry Responsible for COMESA Affairs

Hon. Simplex Chithyola Banda

Minister of Trade and Industry

P.O.Box 30366

LILONGWE 3 – Malawi

Tel: +265 1 770244

Cell: +265 888 863 557

Fax: +265 1 770680, 780680, 782183


National COMESA Focal Point

Ms Christina Zakeyo

Secretary of Trade

Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

P. O. Box 31968

LUSAKA – Zambia

Tel: +265 999 872 829

Fax: 226673


Permanent Secretary in Lusaka

Her Excellency Margaret Kamoto

High Commissioner

Malawi High Commission

Plot No 5202, Diplomatic Triangle,

Pandit Nehru Road

P.O. Box 50425, Long Acres

Tel: +260 978 998115

Fax: +260 211 265765

