The Republic of Zimbabwe is located in south central Africa, between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers. The country is bounded by Mozambique to the east, Zambia to the north and north west, South Africa to the south, and to the south west by Botswana. It lies wholly within the tropics and is part of the great plateau which traverses Africa. Zimbabwe’s economy is dependent on agricultural products including tobacco, cotton and sugar cane. Major export commodities are tobacco and horticulture. Smaller crops like sugar, tea, coffee, cotton, seeds, maize, small grains and oilseeds are also exported. The sector is an important contributor to the country’s export activities, with markets in America, Europe, Africa and the Far East.
Country Profile
Head of State H.E. Emmerson Mnangagwa
Capital City Harare
Independence Day 18 April 1980
Languages English, Shona, Sindebele
Currency Zimbabwe Dollar ( ZWD) Z$ 1 = 100 cents
Area/Size of country (km²) 390,757
Natural resources asbestos, gold, copper, nickel, tobacco, platinum, chrome
Government website link
Population: 14m
GDP: $31.001 bn
Ministry Responsible for COMESA Affairs
Hon Prof. Dr Amon Murwira
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Munhumutapa Building
Samora Machel Avenue/Sam Nujoma Street
P.O. Box 4240
HARARE – Zimbabwe
Tel: +263 4 794681-6
+263 4 793372-5
+263 4 706114-5
Fax: +263 4 705161
Permanent Representative to COMESA
Her Excellency Ambassador Charity Angeline Charamba
Acting Ambassador/Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Zimbabwe & Permanent Representative to COMESA,
Embassy of Zimbabwe,
P.O. Box 33491,
LUSAKA – Zambia.
Tel: +260 211 254006,
Fax: +260 21 254046
E-mail :
Focal Point
Ambassador A.R. Chimbindi
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Munhumutapa Building
Samora Machel Avenue/Sam Nujoma Street
P.O. Box 4240
Harare – Zimbabwe
Tel : +263 242 794 681-6
Fax : +263 242 705161
Email :