Consultancy for Development of a Regional Digital Inclusion Action Plan and Associated Draft Regulations and Policies

The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa has received a grant from the World Bank for the cost of Inclusive Digitalization for Eastern and Southern Africa (IDEA) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The overall objective of the assignment is to develop a Digital Inclusion Action Plan with associated strategies and Policy and Regulatory Frameworks.

The specific objectives of the assignment are to:

  1. review existing instruments related to regional Digital Inclusion activities and compare with global best practices;
  2. carryout a contextualized analysis of the current digital divide in the Region
  3. develop a Regional Digital Inclusion Strategy;
  4. develop a Regional Inclusion Action plan; and
  5. develop Model Policy and Regulatory framework for Digital Inclusion.

Click on the link below for more details.

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