COMESA and EU Delegation Visit Zambia-Malawi Border to Witness Impact of Upgrading Project

The Mwami-Mchinji One Stop Border Post (OSBP) is among four borders that have undergone significant upgrades with technical and financial support from the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) COMESA Trade Facilitation Programme.

The upgrades include the installation of smart gates, baggage scanners, metal detectors, an advanced mini-lab, rapid testing equipment for Port Health inspectors, biometric web cameras, passport readers, and new furniture. These enhancements are aimed at boosting border efficiency and reducing the time required to facilitate the import, export, and transit of goods and services at the Zambia-Malawi border post.

The improvements have already shown promising results. Revenue collection at the border has surged from approximately K50 million to over K120 million, as reported by Assistant Commissioner Alex Malama Chiwama of the Zambia Revenue Authority. Furthermore, clearance times have plummeted from an average of eight days to just 12 hours.

To assess the impact of the upgrading project, a joint team comprising representatives from COMESA, the European Union Delegation to Zambia, and the Zambian government visited the border on 15th March 2024. Their visit aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the upgrades in enhancing trade facilitation and border operations between Zambia and Malawi.