Resource Mobilisation & International Cooperation
UnitThe objective of the unit is to contribute to the impact, efficiency and effectiveness of COMESA Member States trade reforms and regional integration initiatives so that they can fully benefit from regional and international trade opportunities, reduce poverty and achieve their (MDG) development
(1) Prepare a coherent Regional Aid for Trade Strategy, and compatible programmes to access available resources; (2) Mobilisation of the necessary funding and promoting wide range Cooperation so as to assist Member States implementation the Regional Integration agenda. (3) Maintaining good working relations with regional, continental and International organizations so as to enhance regional integration with the ultimate objective of establishing the African Economic Community as enshrined in the Lagos Plan of Action and the Constitutive Act of the African Union. (4) Co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the different components of the Regional Aid for Trade strategy and programmes; (5) Provide, on a demand basis, support to individual Member States in preparing and implementing National Aid for Trade Strategies;
(6) Acts as the entry point for all Development and Cooperating Partners to COMESA and to organize regular donor coordination fora. (7) Ensure complementarities between National and Regional Aid for Trade strategies within the COMESA region; (8) Co-ordinate and harmonise Regional Aid for Trade programmes with other RECs, particularly within the ESA-IO region, as well as at the Continental level with the AUC, NEPAD, and AFDB; (9) Provide support to the COMESA Secretariat in operationalizing (and in overseeing) the COMESA infrastructure Fund and the COMESA Adjustment Facility (10) Assists Member States in negotiating multilateral agreements and in taking common positions on matters of common concerned and interest.
Our Team
Resource Mobilisation & International Cooperation Unit is comprised of the following team members.

Deogratias Kamweya
Head – Resource Mobilisation & International Cooperation

Jeromine K. Fanjanirina
Resource Mobilisation & International Cooperation Officer

Betty Phiri