Brexit and COMESA_What Next Post-Brexit
Brexit and COMESA_What Next Post-Brexit – Final Clean
Brexit and COMESA_What Next Post-Brexit – Final Clean
COVID-19 vaccines have started being rolled out in more COMESA countries. As at end of March 2021, nine COMESA countries have received the vaccines and are administering it on their citizens. The COMESA Early Warning System (COMWARN) reports that vaccination efforts are gaining momentum in the region as more countries receive their first batches. Analyzed…
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Ministers responsible for Gender and Women’s Affairs from the COMESA Region recently met and approved several toolkits and documents which are expected to help the region promote gender equality, women empowerment and social development. The one-day Ministerial meeting held virtually via zoom on 29 March noted that women have continued to be negatively affected by…
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The COMESA Monetary Institute (CMI) has developed a user’s guide on Fiscal Stress Testing for Central Banks and Ministries of Finance whose main objective will be to assist Member States better understand how to deal with fiscal risks. CMI Director Mr Ibrahim Zeidy states that addressing fiscal risks is a key element of the COMESA…
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e-COMESA Newsletter 659
COVID-19 in COMESA_Situational Update #43
COMESA Secretariat held a one-day consultative meeting with Member States and other Regional Economic Communities (RECs) on optimizing returns from intra-Africa trade in Animals and Animal products under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The virtual meeting discussed many issues including reinforcing multi-lateral cooperation for disease prevention and control, integration of informal trade in…
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e-COMESA Newsletter 658
Measures in COMESA MS in Response to Covid Vol 38
Measures in COMESA MS in Response to Covid Vol 37