COVID-19 in COMESA_Situational Update #31
COVID-19 in COMESA_Situational Update #31
COVID-19 in COMESA_Situational Update #31
eCOMESA Newsletter Issue 639- Final review
السوق المشتركة للشرق والجنوب الأفريقي (الكوميسا) هي تجمع اقليمى يتألف من 21 دولة أفريقية اتفقت على تعزيز التكامل الاقليمي من خلال تنمية التجارة وتيسير وسائل النقل. ويمكن الحصول على المزيد من المعلومات من على الموقع الإلكترونى للكوميسا: يُرجى من المهنيين المؤهلين من ذوى الخبرة التقدم بطلبات الالتحاق بمنصب مسؤول إحصاءات الهجرة.
Le Marché commun de l’Afrique orientale et australe a récemment signé un Accord de coopération avec Statistics Sweden en vue de développer les capacités régionales en matière de statistiques des migrations entre les États membres du COMESA. Cet accord est financé par le gouvernement suédois par l’intermédiaire de l’Agence suédoise de développement international (SIDA). Le…
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Measures in COMESA MS in Response to Covid Vol 22
Lusaka, September 17, 2020: The COMESA Secretariat has developed a draft Medium-Term Strategic Plan (MTSP) covering 2021- 2025 which is geared to support structural transformation of the region and boost overall economic development through trade facilitation and investment promotion. To formulate this new MTSP, the Secretariat used a wide consultative approach with key stakeholders both…
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Distinguished Delegates from COMESA Member States; Representatives of COMESA Institutions; Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me start by welcoming you all to this meeting to finalise the COMESA Medium Term Strategic Plan (MTSP) 2021-2025. As you all know, COMESA implements its Treaty through SMART Medium-Term Plans and Annual Work Plans, and this has been the practice…
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COVID-19 in COMESA_Situational Update #30
Press Release – Energy Infrastructure Devpt will Unlock the Region’s Potential
September 15, 2020: The power outages being experienced in the Eastern Africa-Southern Africa-Indian Ocean have continued to affect productivity leading to Africa loosing 12.5% of production time compared to 7% for South Asia. This has been attributed to lack of adequate regional infrastructure in energy. Recent studies have shown that many African countries, some of…
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