Author: Willis Osemo

Democratic Gains in the Region Face COVID-19 Test

Lusaka, Tuesday, April 14, 2020: With the outbreak and the global spread of the Coronavirus, the looming socioeconomic and political ramifications will be severe. This is largely because of the costly but necessary measures that have been established to contain the spread. According to an analytical report prepared by the Governance, Peace and Security (GPS) Programme…
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Over $100m Transacted Through the Regional Payment System

Lusaka, Friday, April 10, 2020:  The COMESA Regional Payment and Settlement System (REPSS) has recorded over $138 million dollars and nearly one million Euros in value transacted through the nine participating Central Banks over the last five years ending 31 January 2020. According to the Executive Secretary of the COMESA Clearing House (CCH) Mr. Mahmood Mansoor,…
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COMESA Develops a Regional Grading and Classification System for Trade in Animals

Lusaka, Monday, April 6, 2020: COMESA has developed a Manual for  harmonized regional grading and classification system of beef cattle, goats and sheep. The Manual will be launched at the next meeting of Ministers of Agriculture and Livestock later this year. It will be used across COMESA Member States to facilitate trade between livestock buyers and…
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تدني مؤشر السلم والإزدهار الإقليمي في ظل ارتفاع أعداد الإصابة بفيروس كوفيد – 19

كشف الخبراء في وحدة الحوكمة والسلم والأمن بالكوميسا بأنه من المُتوقع أن يؤثر انتشار فيروس كورونا في الإقليم  سلباً على تصنيف الدول الأعضاء في ما يتعلق بمؤشر الكوميسا للسلم والازدهار. وتشير الدلائل إلى أن الانتشار الحالي لفيروس كوفيد -19 في الإقليم  يحدث في بيئة من البلدان المُثقلة بالفعل بالتحديات الضخمة والذي من شأنه الإخلال بتقييمات…
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COVID-19 in COMESA Update #5


Regional Power Inter-Connector on Course

Lusaka, Monday, April 6, 2020: Lack of adequate regional infrastructure in energy in the COMESA region has often been cited as one of the missing links to the reduction in the cost of doing business and scaling up the competitiveness of the countries in the local, regional and global markets. Bridging the energy gap, is therefore…
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COVID 19: COMESA Empathize with MS

Lusaka, Monday, April 6, 2020: As the number of COVID 19 reported cases gains pace in the region, crossing the 2,000 mark on Friday, April 3, 2020, COMESA has sent out a solidarity message to its Members States as they face one of the biggest socioeconomic challenge in modern history. “On behalf of the Chairperson…
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COVID 19: Social Safety Nets Critical for SMEs Survival

Lusaka, Monday, April, 6, 2020: In the wake of the Corona Virus pandemic whose socioeconomic ramifications are still unfolding, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are taking the greatest hit, threatening their survival. To save this critical sector, COMESA gender and social affairs expert is proposing to governments, to consider introducing national social safety net policies.…
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COVID 19 in COMESA: Situational Update #4

Lusaka, Friday, April 3, 2020: Whilst the region experienced a surge in the number of new cases, the data from the past three days indicate that the average daily rate of new cases has slightly reduced. The total new cases reported for the past three days are 517 compared to 701 recorded in the previous analysis.…
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COVID 19 in COMESA Update

Lusaka. Tuesday, March 31, 2020: Confirmed Cases Rise by 79% in the last Four Days. In the last four days, the COMESA region has recorded 703 new COVID-19 cases as compared to 239 that were recorded on 26 March 2020. This is an indication that the cases are on the rise. The countries that recorded relatively…
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