Author: Willis Osemo

Monetary Policy Formulation Guide Developed

Nairobi, Tuesday, March 10, 2020: COMESA Monetary Institute has developed a User’s Guide on the Basic Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Modelling and Forecasting for Monetary Policy Formulation. DSGE is an economic tool kit or method used by economists to explain the working of the economy from micro-economic principles (foundations). The tool kit models interactions of…
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FEMCOM Advocates for Women Empowerment

Lilongwe, Tuesday, March 9, 2020: The Federation of National Association of Women in Business (FEMCOM) used this year’s International Women’s Day to advocate for women empowerment and equal opportunity in the job market through skills upgrading for girls. Speaking at the commemoration of the Day at Machinga, south of Malawi Capital, Lilongwe, Ms. Ruth Negash, FEMCOM…
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Status of Energy in the COMESA Region

Addis Ababa, Thursday, March 5, 2020: The total installed power generation capacity in the COMESA region is 92,00 megawatts (MW) with Thermal power dominating at more than 69% and Hydro (large and small) accounting for 30%. This was disclosed during the 9th Annual General Meeting of the COMESA Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern…
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Regional Energy Experts Conducting Peer Review on Member States

Addis Ababa, Wednesday, March 4, 2020: Energy regulatory authorities in countries that are members of the COMESA Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa (RAERESA) will be going through peer review to ensure their operations are bench-marked against regional best practices The first peer review is being conducted this week, from 4 –…
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African Women Business Platform Launched

Lusaka, Friday, February 28, 2020: An online business networking platform aimed at connecting 50 million women entrepreneurs across Africa has been launched. The 50 Million African Women Speak Platform (50MAWSP) is an initiative of three regional economic communities supported by the African Development Bank. The  inaugural national launch was conducted in Zambia, on Friday, 28 February…
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Implementation of the Tripartite FTA Agreement now in Sight

Lusaka, Tuesday, February 25, 2020: The implementation of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement is now in sight following a spike in the number of countries ratifying and set to ratify the Agreement. Eight countries have so far ratified the agreement with six remaining to attain the required threshold of 14 for the Agreement to enter into…
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COMESA Initiatives Cited as Good Practices at Global Forum on Trade and Investment

Lusaka, Monday, February 24, 2020: The COMESA Innovation Award, the Annual Research Forums and the Virtual Master’s degree programme in regional integration have been acknowledged as some of the best practices in trade and investment. The three were presented during a Knowledge Sharing on Trade and Investment Good Practices forum conducted in Brussels on 4- 5…
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Two New Information Desks Established at the Rwanda/ DR Congo Border

Lusaka, Friday, February 21, 2020: Two new trade information desks have been established at the Rwanda/ DR Congo border to promote small scale cross border trade. The two: Bugarama (Rwanda) and Kamanyola (DRC) bring to 12 the total number of Trade Information Desks (TIDs) established in the eastern DR Congo under the COMESA led Great Lakes…
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COMESA, WIPO sign Pact to Boost Intellectual Property Rights

Lusaka, Thursday, Feburary 20, 2020: COMESA and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have signed a cooperation agreement for collaboration in capacity building programmes on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for COMESA Secretariat staff and Intellectual Property Officers in Member States. The Agreement will support awareness creation on the importance of IPRs and assist to develop programmes…
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COMESA Develops Draft Action Plan for STR Implementation by Djibouti

Lusaka, Thursday, February 20, 2020: COMESA has developed a draft Action Plan to be used by Djibouti in the implementation of the Simplified Trade Regine (STR) with its neighbouring Member States. The Draft National Road Map and Action Matrix is set for consideration by senior management officials in their respective ministries, institutions and administration before it…
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