Author: Willis Osemo

Expert en accès aux marchés/Chef d’équipe

CONTEXTE DU PROJET Le Secrétariat du Marché commun de l’Afrique orientale et australe (COMESA) et l’Union européenne (UE) ont signé un accord de contribution à la subvention d’une valeur de 8,8 millions d’euros en vue du Programme régionale pour la compétitivité des entreprises et l’accès aux marchés (RECAMP). Le RECAMP est un programme de quatre…
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e-COMESA Newsletter Issue #609

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Botswana deposits Tripartite FTA Ratification instruments

Botswana has deposited the instruments of Ratification for the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA Agreement) bringing the number of countries that have done so to eight. The other countries that have ratified and deposited their instruments are Burundi, Kenya, Egypt, Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, and Namibia. The ceremony took place in Lusaka, at the…
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Construction of Eswatini Trade Hub reaches 70%

Construction of the Inlanganisela Yabomake Trade Hub in Manzini, of the Kingdom of Eswatini has reached an advanced stage with over 70% of works being completed. The Trade Hub and Private Sector Support Project will cost  1.2 million euros. The Trade Hub is expected to provide market space for over 500 Small and Medium Entrepreneurs…
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Malawi and Zimbabwe Review Common List Products

The Governments of Malawi and Zimbabwe have reviewed and added products to their Common List which will be traded between the two countries using the COMESA Simplified Trade Regime (STR). Each country is now expected to have the List gazetted by 28 February 2020.  This was agreed during a bilateral meeting between the two countries…
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Kenya, Japan and Sweden Ambassadors accredited to COMESA

New heads of diplomatic missions of Kenya, Japan and Sweden in Zambia have been accredited as Permanent and Special Representatives to COMESA.  Ms Flora Karugu, Kenya’s New High Commissioner to Zambia, was accredited as Permanent Representative to COMESA as Kenya is a member state of the regional body. Ambassadors Ryuta Mizuuchi of Japan and Anna-Maj…
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Le Plan d’action de Lagos et le Traité d’Abuja ont adopté un processus allant de la base au sommet vis-à-vis des CER en tant que tremplins pour l’intégration du continent africain et ont prévu la création de la Communauté économique africaine en six étapes, allant du renforcement des CER existantes et de la création de…
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Kenya, Japan and Sweden Ambassadors accredited to COMESA

Lusaka, Wednesday 29 January 2020: Heads of diplomatic missions of Kenya, Japan and Sweden in Zambia, today presented their letters of accreditation as Permanent and Special Representatives to COMESA.   Kenya’s New High Commissioner to Zambia, Ms Flora Karugu was accredited as Permanent Representative to COMESA. Ambassadors Ryuta Mizuuchi of Japan and Anna-Maj Hultgard of Sweden…
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Fonctionnaire, Technologies de l’information et Documentation

La Commission de la concurrence du COMESA (ci-après dénommée « la Commission ») est une entité régionale constituée en vertu de l’article 6 du Règlement du COMESA relatif à la concurrence (ci-après dénommé « le Règlement ») promulgué en vertu de l’article 55 du Traité du COMESA. La Commission est chargée de promouvoir la concurrence…
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FEMCOM Sudan Chapter Signs MoU with Government

The Federation of National Associations of Women in Business from Eastern and Southern Africa (FEMCOM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Sudan which will act as a framework for cooperation between the two parties in empowering women. FEMCOM Chief Executive Officer Ms Ruth Negash signed for the institution while the…
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