Author: Willis Osemo

Zambia and Zimbabwe Planning Joint Industrialization Programme

The Governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe with support from the COMESA Secretariat are planning a joint industrialization programme which will build on the experiences and lessons learned from the existing joint ventures. The two countries are already cooperating in a number of sectors for structural and economic transformation since the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.…
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Les Ambassadeurs du Soudan et du Zimbabwe font leurs adieux au COMESA

Les Ambassadeurs de la République du Soudan et du Zimbabwe en Zambie et Représentants permanents auprès du COMESA, leurs Excellences Hussein Awad Ali et Getrude Takawira ont fait leurs adieux au Secrétariat du COMESA au moment où leur mandat prenait fin. La Secrétaire générale, Mme Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe, a tenu une brève cérémonie au Secrétariat,…
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Sudan and Zimbabwe Envoys Bid Farewell to COMESA

The ambassadors from the Republic of Sudan and Zimbabwe to Zambia and Permanent Representatives to COMESA their Excellencies Hussein Awad Ali and Getrude Takawira have bade farewell to COMESA Secretariat as their tour of duty has come to an end. Secretary General Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe held a brief ceremony at the Secretariat on Tuesday 14…
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Le COMESA invité à la Foire internationale chinoise d’Investissement et de Commerce

Le Secrétariat du COMESA a été invité à participer à la Foire internationale chinoise d’Investissement et de Commerce 2020 prévue début septembre à Xiamen en Chine. La foire se focalisera sur la négociation des investissements et la promotion des politiques, le développement coordonné des économies nationales et régionales ainsi que les échanges économiques et commerciaux.…
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COMESA Invited to the China International Fair for Investment & Trade

The COMESA Secretariat has been invited to participate at the 2020 China International Fair for Investment and Trade scheduled for early September in Xiamen China. The fair will focus on investment negotiation and policy promotion, coordinated development of national and regional economies, as well as economic and trade exchanges. Asia-Africa Digital Economy Cooperation Forum Executive…
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Central Bank Governors Hold Symposium on the Continental and Tripartite FTA

Central Bank Governors, deputies and their representatives from the COMESA region held a one-day symposium in Lusaka on the ‘Role of Central Banks in Advancing the Continental and Tripartite Free Trade Area. The gathering agreed that Central Banks have a critical role to play in the full and successful implementation of the African Continental Free…
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COMESA Holds Inaugural Youth Leaders Bootcamp

Thirty policy makers and youth leaders from ten COMESA countries have participated in a five-day residential boot camp in policy formulation, democratic governance and socio-economic development. The main objective of the boot camp was to increase youth participation and engagement in policy formulation and implementation and also increase experience sharing among youth leaders from the…
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COMESA/ACTESA to Revive Regional Policy on Biotechnology and Biosafety

The COMESA Secretariat will in 2020 support the revitalization of the Regional Policy on Biotechnology and Biosafety under the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA). Assistant Secretary General for Administration and Finance Dr Dev Haman revealed that the Secretariat will also support ACTESA in having its first meeting for the new…
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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Mauritius – Africa Scholarship Scheme 2020

The Government of Mauritius is awarding scholarships to deserving students who are resident citizens of member states of the African Union or of African Commonwealth countries as per the following criteria: For undergraduate programmes, applicants should be above 18 years of age and should not have reached their 26th birthday by the closing date of…
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الخدمة الاستشارية: استكشاف الخيارات لإدماج التجارة ضمن الخدمات المختارة (على وجه التحديد النموذج (4) – تنقل الأفراد الطبيعيين) تحت نظام التجارة المبسط

تسعى الأمانة العامة للكوميسا إلى الاستعانة بخدمات خبير استشاري لتقييم مدى جدوى تمديد النطاق الحالي لنظام التجارة المُبسط للسلع ليشمل تجارة الخدمات صغيرة النطاق على الحدود المختارة، والتوصية بإطار عمل مناسب لهذا التمديد.