Call For Abstracts for 2024 IRSK Conference

The International Relations Society of Kenya (IRSK), the professional body for international relations and diplomacy in Kenya, is pleased to announce the upcoming second IRSK Annual Conference. This 3-day event will feature high-level, insightful evidence-based deliberations regarding current challenges, priorities and prospects in international relations and diplomacy. The conference is being organized in partnership with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD). The second IRSK Annual Conference builds on the inaugural conference and represents a significant milestone in advancing the discourse and practice of international relations and diplomacy not just in Kenya, but also in the COMESA region and the wider African continent.

The theme of the 2024 IRSK Conference is “Fostering Integration and Cooperation in the COMESA Region through International Relations and Diplomacy.” Participants at the conference will delve into the critical role of international relations and diplomacy in strengthening ties among stakeholders as well as for overcoming deep-seated political, economic, peace and security and developmental challenges in the COMESA region. It seeks to examine how diplomatic efforts and international relations frameworks facilitate collaboration and partnership between governments, regional organizations, civil society groups, and private sector entities and how the highlighted challenges impact on regional integration and cooperation. It will be a platform where participants reflect on the past progress at regional integration and cooperation in the COMESA region and examine how international relations and diplomacy can be enhanced to inform future efforts.

The conference is expected to draw around 200 attendees, including government officials, parliamentarians, diplomats, scholars, policymakers, business leaders, media personnel, think tanks, and civil society representatives, among others. Special attention will be given to ensuring broad geographic representation and the involvement of women and youth from as many COMESA countries as possible. The 3-day conference will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from October 23 to October 25, 2024.

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