Category: Latest News

COMESA Annual Research Forum Underway in Egypt

Cairo, Monday, September 12, 2022:  The 9th edition of the COMESA Annual Research Forum began today in Cairo, Egypt with close to 100 participants from 19 Member States attending. The four-days forum will address emerging topical issues in economics, trade and regional integration at continental and global level. Its is one of the avenues through…
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Steps Towards Harmonised Policy for e-Commerce in the Region

The Eastern Africa-Southern-Africa and Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO) region is focusing on developing a regional model policy and regulatory frameworks for e-Commerce which will in turn facilitate several economic activities and contribute to economic development. The benefits identified with having a well-functioning e-commerce sector includes reduced transaction costs, enhanced logistics, distribution and retail services and micro-small-and-medium-sized…
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Digital Regional Food Balance Sheet Launched

Kigali, Thursday, Sept 08, 2022: COMESA in partnership with several stakeholders, among them the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) have launched the digital Regional Food Balance Sheet (RFBS). The RFBS aims to accelerate the application of digital, remote sensing and advanced analytical technologies to provide forecasts for major food commodities in the East…
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COMESA Toasts Kenya’s President-elect

COMESA has congratulated Kenya’s President Elect Dr William Samoei Ruto, following his victory in the August 9 General Elections. In a message to the President-Elect, Secretary General, Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe also applauded the people of Kenya for exercising their civic duty in a peaceful, patient and calm manner. “This has enabled a smooth conclusion of…
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Regional ICT Programme Holds Validation Workshop for Stakeholder Mapping and Baseline Survey Study and E-Commerce Study

Lilongwe, Sunday, September 04, 2022: Experts in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) from Twenty-Nine Member States belonging to COMESA, East African Community (EAC), Southern African Development Community (SADC), Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) will meet for two back-to-back workshops in Lilongwe, Malawi from 5 – 10 September 2022. COMESA and…
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Regional Communication Experts and Media Trained on COMESA Regional Integration Programmes

Thirty-One Communication experts and media practitioners from 18 Member States are participating in a two-day capacity building workshop to enhance awareness of COMESA programmes at the national level. The training is central to the implementation of the 2018 Council of Ministers directive to have a vibrant communications ecosystem characterized by a well-equipped cadre of front-line…
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Stakeholders Consult on Implementing the Regional Customs Guarantee Scheme in Zambia

A national consultative meeting on the implementation of the COMESA Regional Customs Transit Guarantee (RCTG) Scheme was conducted with key stakeholders in Zambia on Thursday 25 August 2022. The one-day session updated the stakeholders on the status of implementation and operations of the RCTG in the region and discussed issues and concerns raised about the…
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Building Member States Institutional Capacity to Eliminate Trade Barriers

Four Member States of COMESA have received capacity building support to their institutional frameworks for elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) on Common goods, in compliance with the requisite COMESA Regulations. The regulations define the roles and responsibilities of the NTBs institutions to deliver on the intended objective to eliminate barriers across COMESA region and increase…
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Trade Facilitation Programme Records Notable Progress

COMESA Member States, through the European Union-backed Trade Facilitation Programme have revised and adopted regulations for the elimination of non-tariff barriers (NTBs), a move which is expected to enhance intra-regional trade. The programme has also supported the development of national elimination strategies for NTBs in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Madagascar and Egypt.  The programme has equally…
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AU- COMESA Election Observer Mission to Kenya Issues Preliminary Statement

Nairobi, August 11, 2022: The Joint African Union – COMESA Election Observers’ Mission to the General Election in Kenya have today issued a preliminary statement on its assessment of the elections. The statement was presented by the Head of the Mission and former Sierra Leone President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma, deputized by Ambassador Marie Pierre…
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