Category: Latest News

COMESA, AFREXIMBANK Sign Deal to Implement US$1billion Continental Transit Scheme

Wednesday, March 10, 2021: COMESA and the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) have today signed an Agreement to implement the COMESA Regional  Customs Transit Guarantee Scheme, commonly known as RCTG-CARNET. This marks the beginning of the implementation of the Bank’s US$1billion AfCTFA Adjustment Facility to support countries from significant tariff revenue losses as a result of…
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COMFWB Participates in the 1st Annual Africa Gender Equality Conference

The COMESA Federation of Women in Business was one of the institution that participated in the 1st Annual Africa Gender Equality Conference (#AGEC2021) High Level Round Table Discussions during the International Women’s Day under the theme: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. This was the first ever such Conference took…
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COMFWB Participates in the 1st Annual Africa Gender Equality Conference

The COMESA Federation of Women in Business was one of the institution that participated in the 1st Annual Africa Gender Equality Conference (#AGEC2021) High Level Round Table Discussions during the International Women’s Day under the theme: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. This was the first ever such Conference took place in Lilongwe, Malawi…
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6.8m Euros Border Post Upgrading Project Kicks Off

Activities have begun towards implementation of a €6.8 million project to upgrade the priority cross-border infrastructure and equipment at selected border points between Zambia on one hand and Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania on the other. These are Mwami, Chirundu and Nakonde respectively. The first project implementation workshop was conducted in Zambia on March 21,  2021…
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Region Needs to Focus more on Border Facilitation and less on Controls

There is need to shift approaches in border management in the region to focus more on facilitation as opposed to control in order to ease free movement of persons. This will facilitate regional trade and lead to higher levels of integration and economic development. This was expressed at the 11th meeting of the COMESA Chiefs…
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COMESA Online Trade Platform Soon to go Live

Eighteen out of 21 COMESA Member States have so far nominated focal point persons to be responsible for management of the COMESA Online Trade Portal and coordinate with national stakeholders to compile information needed to update the live platform at the country level. The Platform was approved by the Council of Ministers in May 2020,…
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Ease of Cross Border Movement of Persons Expected as Tripartite Ministers Approve Facilitation Guidelines

The Tripartite Sectoral Ministerial Committee for Trade, Customs, Finance, Economic Matters and Home/Internal Affairs has approved guidelines to facilitate the safe mass movement of persons and personal goods across the region while mitigating the spread of COVID-19. The guidelines will subsequently be tabled before the next meeting of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Council of Ministers, planned…
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COMESA joins Sudan to launch 50 Million African Women Speak Platform

  The platform will help Sudanese business women to connect with local regional markets and enhance their access to financial services The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) in partnership with the Sudanese Government on Thursday 4 March launched a platform for women in business known as 50 Million African Women Speak (50MAWSP)…
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COMESA Launches 30 Days of Women in Business Campaign to Celebrate Women Entrepreneurs

Newly launched campaign encourages women to profile and showcase women in business from across the COMESA region The campaign will offer women in the region an opportunity to connect with their role models using the 50 Million African Women Speak platform  Lusaka, Thursday, 4 March 2021 – The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa…
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€3.2 million Euros National Sanitary and Phytosanitary System for Comoros

In collaboration with the European Union, COMESA is supporting the development of an efficient national Sanitary and Phytosanitary System (SPS) in Comoros. The support has been provided to the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment (INRAPE),  through the COMESA Adjustment Fund (CAF) under the Regional Integration Support Mechanism (RISM) programme. Activities under…
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