Category: Latest News

COVID 19 in COMESA: Situational Update #4

Lusaka, Friday, April 3, 2020: Whilst the region experienced a surge in the number of new cases, the data from the past three days indicate that the average daily rate of new cases has slightly reduced. The total new cases reported for the past three days are 517 compared to 701 recorded in the previous…
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COVID 19 in COMESA Update

Lusaka. Tuesday, March 31, 2020: Confirmed Cases Rise by 79% in the last Four Days. In the last four days, the COMESA region has recorded 703 new COVID-19 cases as compared to 239 that were recorded on 26 March 2020. This is an indication that the cases are on the rise. The countries that recorded…
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Comoros Receives Equipment Worth $88,000 ICT to Tackle Financial Crimes

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Comoros has received ICT equipment and software worth over US$ 88,000 strengthen its capacity to disrupt illicit financial networks. The equipment was procured through the COMESA Maritime Security (MASE) Programme. Though the support, the country is also expected to strengthen domestic and international cooperation through improved sharing of information…
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COVID 19: COMESA Secretariat Staff Begins Working Off-Site

Lusaka, Monday, March 30, 2020: COMESA Secretariat staff in Lusaka, Zambia, has begun working off-site for one month. This is part of the social distancing measures to prevent protect staff from infections and transmission of the Corona Virus. “With effect from Monday 30 March 2020, for a period of four weeks, staff will work off-site,…
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Working with AGRA to Fast Track Seed Harmonization

Lusaka, Monday, March 30, 2020: Lack of quality and improved seed in the COMESA Member States has contributed significantly to food insecurity and poverty with 123 million people out of total population of 650 million (22.8 percent in sub-Saharan Africa) affected. In light of this, the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa…
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Plans Underway to Acquire new Headquarters for COMESA

Lusaka, Friday, March 27, 2020: The Yellow Card Scheme (YCS) has committed US$ 3.6 million towards the acquisition of the proposed new headquarters of COMESA. This is part of the US$33 million that the PTA-Reinsurance Company (Zep-Re) is selling its new state-of-the-art Business Park building in Lusaka suburb. Both the Yellow Card and ZEP-Re are…
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Bracing for COVID 19 Impact and the Aftermath ….. solidarity with our MS and the world

As the Corona Pandemic runs rampage across the globe, COMESA region has, in the past three weeks started to bear the brunt of the disease with cases crossing the 1,000 mark Friday, March 27. Out of the 21 Member States, only three were yet to report any case. The region is however bracing for the…
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97 Recover from COVID 19 in COMESA Region

Lusaka, Thursday, March 26, 2020: Between Monday 23 to Thursday 26, March 2020, the number of COVID-19 cases in the COMESA region has gone up by 239 representing a 36.71 percent increase.  This bring to 890 the total number of cases with 97 recoveries and 33 deaths. COVID 19 in COMESA Report 2

The ZTK Regional Power Interconnector is on Course

Lack of adequate regional infrastructure in energy in the COMESA region has often been cited as one of the missing links to the reduction in the cost of doing business and scaling up the competitiveness of the countries in the local, regional and global markets. Bridging the energy gap, is therefore one of the main…
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Statement: Region Should Prepare for COVID 19 Effects

Lusaka, Monday, March 23, 2020: As the spread of the Novel Corona Virus (COVID 19) accelerates across the world, our region must be prepared to grapple with the devastating secondary health, social and economic ramifications of the disease. COMESA SG Statement – COVID 19\ COMESA Report COMESA – Bracing for Effects of COVID 19