Category: Latest News

Applications open: UNCTAD Online Course on Trade and Gender for COMESA countries

We are pleased to inform you that the UNCTAD Trade, Gender and Development Programme in partnership with the COMESA Gender and Social Affairs Division will organize a special edition of its online course on trade and gender devoted to stakeholders from member States of COMESA and COMESA-based institutions from 20 May to 14 July 2019.…
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COMESA Court Showcases its new Digital System at the Commonwealth Lawyers Conference

Livingstone, Zambia, Tuesday, April 9, 2019: The Commonwealth Law Conference opened in Livingstone Zambia, today with the COMESA Court of Justice showcasing its new digital court system. The Conference brings together over 500 lawyers from more than 40 Commonwealth countries out of which nine are COMESA Member States. The one-week conference was opened by His…
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7th Extraordinary Meeting of the COMESA Council of Ministers (video)

COMESA convened an extra ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers on Friday 5th April 2019 in Lusaka, Zambia, to deal with pressing administrative and finance matters. The meeting was preceded by the Intergovernmental Committee meeting, on 3 – 4 April 2019, which brought together accounting officers in the ministries that coordinate COMESA programmes at…
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COMESA maintains high confidence from development partners as it turns 25 this year

Lusaka, Friday, April 5, 2019: COMESA Secretariat has received a combined development aid amounting USD 299 million from the development partners to support different COMESA programmes as it marks 25 years of its existence this year. According to the Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe, the trust was earned after the Secretariat passed the 4 and 7…
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Trade Policy and Export Strategy for Zambia launched

The Zambian government has launched the National Trade Policy and Export Strategy. The main objective of the Policy is to turn Zambia into a net exporter and improve competitiveness. The Policy covers trade in goods and services and has various interventions and is aligned to the Seventh National Development Plan and aims to achieve sustainable…
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Close ties between regional and national courts critical will fortify regional integration

There is need for Courts of Justice of the various Regional Economic Communities to have regular interactions with national courts and tribunals to come up with ways in which they can  harmonise interpretation of treaties from within their regions. This is informed not only by the overlapping membership of states to the Regional Economic Communities…
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Six States benefit from training on interdependencies among key financial and macroeconomic variables

Delegates representing Central Banks of six COMESA Member States completed oneweek training organized by the COMESA Monetary Institute on “Transmission Mechanism of Macro Prudential Shocks to the Financial System: Application of Vector Auto Regressions (VAR), Structural VAR (SVAR) And Vector Error Correction Models (VECM)” The training was conducted on 18 – 22 March 2018 in…
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Malawi Enterprise Productivity Enhancement project records 90% absorption rate

Malawi Enterprise Productivity Enhancement (MEPE) Project PIU, has reported a 90% absorption rate with only two activities left in the second phase to be implemented before the closure period, scheduled to commence from 1st April 2019. This is according to the project Implementation Unit during a Mission undertaken to Malawi, in support of the MEPE…
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Fresh Push for States to Ratify the Tripartite FTA as Deadline Draws Near

Lusaka, Wednesday April 3, 2019: The deadline set by the Tripartite Council of Ministers for member States of three regional economic blocs to sign and ratify the tripartite free trade area lapses this month. So far only four countries in COMESA,  East Africa Community and Southern Africa Development Community tripartite bloc have signed and ratified the agreement. These…
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7th Extraordinary Intergovernmental Committee meeting Opening ceremony (Video)

The deadline set by the Tripartite Council of Ministers for member States of the three regional economic blocs to sign and ratify the tripartite free trade area lapses this month. So far only four countries Kenya, Egypt, South Africa and Uganda have signed and ratified the TFT agreement. A total of 22 out of 26…
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