Category: COMESA News

Monetary Institute Introduces Administrative and Budgetary Changes

Nairobi, Friday, April 25, 2019: The COMESA Monetary Institute has introduced changes in its administrative and budgetary matters to enhance the efficiency of the Institute in execution of its mandate. This follows the Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Bureau of the COMESA Committee of Governors of Central Banks in Nairobi, Kenya, on 26th April 2019. The…
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COMESA : Forum consultatif avec ses partenaires de développement

Lusaka, lundi 6 mai 2019: Le deuxième Forum de coordination conjoint du COMESA et de ses partenaires de développement a débuté aujourd’hui à Lusaka, en Zambie. L’objectif du Forum est de servir de plate-forme pour un dialogue régulier et structuré aux niveaux politique et technique en vue d’une concertation constructive et de la promotion des…
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COMESA Hosts Coordination Forum with its Development Partners

Lusaka, Monday, May 6, 2019: The 2nd joint coordination forum of COMESA and its Development Partners began today in Lusaka, Zambia. The objective of the forum is to provide a platform for regular and structured dialogue at the policy and technical levels for constructive engagement and the promotion of best practices on development cooperation matters.…
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e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 582

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COMESA Countries Maintain High Sugar Production

Lusaka, Friday, May 3, 2019: Eight countries in the COMESA region have maintained their grip in sugar production with most of the raw produce being exported to the European Union, United States of America and China. The top producer of Sugar in the region is the Kingdom of Eswatini having produced over 650, 000 metric…
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COMESA: une forte production de sucre

Huit pays du COMESA ont maintenu leur forte production de sucre, la majeure partie du sucre brut étant exportée vers l’Union européenne, les États-Unis d’Amérique et la Chine. Le premier producteur de sucre de la région est le Royaume d’Eswatini avec plus de 650 000 tonnes métriques, suivi de l’Égypte à 595 000 tonnes, puis…
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Le Malawi demande une formation à l’utilisation du SRPR

Différents acteurs représentant les institutions financières, les commerçants transfrontières, les importateurs et les exportateurs du Malawi ont appelé à la tenue d’un atelier national pour les aider à renforcer leurs capacités en matière d’utilisation du Système régional de paiement et de règlement (SRPR) du COMESA. Elles ont demandé au Secrétariat du COMESA d’organiser dans les…
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Malawi Calls for Training in REPSS Usage

Lilongwe, Tuesday, April 30, 2019: Various stakeholders from financial institutions, cross border traders, importers and exporters in Malawi have called for a national workshop to help them build capacity on the use of the COMESA Regional Payment and Settlement System (REPSS). The stakeholders have requested the COMESA Secretariat to urgently organize the sensitization session which…
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EU and RECs Sign Financing Addendum to Regional Programme

Brussels, Tuesday, April 30, 2019: The EU Commission in Brussels and the Chief Executives of the five Duly Mandated Regional Organisation (DMROs) of the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (ES-SA-IO) have signed an addendum to the Regional Indicative Programme (RIP). The signing ceremony took place in Brussels on Tuesday 30 April 2019…
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