Category: COMESA News

COMESA Gazette Vol 16 (December 2010)

COMESA Gazette Vol 17 (December 2010) 2010 Gazette SPS REGULATIONS1 Attachment 2010 Gazette Vol. 16 COMESA Regulations for th Gazette August 2010 CORRECTED

COMESA Gazette Vol 15 No. 4 (June 2009)

COMESA Gazette Vol 15 No. 4 (June 2009)

COMESA Gazette Vol 15 No. 3 (June 2009)

COMESA Gazette Vol 15 No. 3 (June 2009)

e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 579

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Numéro 579 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

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7th Extraordinary Meeting of the COMESA Council of Ministers (video)

COMESA convened an extra ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers on Friday 5th April 2019 in Lusaka, Zambia, to deal with pressing administrative and finance matters. The meeting was preceded by the Intergovernmental Committee meeting, on 3 – 4 April 2019, which brought together accounting officers in the ministries that coordinate COMESA programmes at…
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COMESA maintains high confidence from development partners as it turns 25 this year

Lusaka, Friday, April 5, 2019: COMESA Secretariat has received a combined development aid amounting USD 299 million from the development partners to support different COMESA programmes as it marks 25 years of its existence this year. According to the Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe, the trust was earned after the Secretariat passed the 4 and 7…
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Le COMESA fête ses 25 ans cette année sous le signe d’une grande confiance de ses partenaires de développement

Le Secrétariat du COMESA a reçu une aide au développement combinée d’un montant de 299 millions USD de la part des partenaires de développement, destinée à appuyer différents programmes du COMESA, qui fête ses 25 ans d’existence cette année. Selon la Secrétaire générale, Mme Chileshe Kapwepwe, cette confiance a été gagnée lorsque le Secrétariat a…
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Trade Policy and Export Strategy for Zambia launched

The Zambian government has launched the National Trade Policy and Export Strategy. The main objective of the Policy is to turn Zambia into a net exporter and improve competitiveness. The Policy covers trade in goods and services and has various interventions and is aligned to the Seventh National Development Plan and aims to achieve sustainable…
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Lancement de la Politique commerciale et stratégie d’exportation de la Zambie

Le gouvernement zambien a lancé la Politique commerciale et Stratégie d’exportation nationales. L’objectif principal de la politique est de faire de la Zambie un exportateur net et d’améliorer sa compétitivité. La politique couvre le commerce des biens et des services et comporte diverses interventions. Elle se conforme au 7e plan de développement national et vise…
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