Category: COMESA News

COMESA to deploy election observers in Zambia

Lusaka, Friday 30 July 2021: COMESA is part of the election observer missions that will deploy teams in Zambia for the forthcoming general elections on 12 August 2021. This follows an invitation by the Government of Zambia. The Mission will be led by Members of the COMESA Committee of Elders, Ambassador Ashraf Gamal Rashed of…
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COMESA, Djibouti Signs €2.5m Sub-delegation Agreement to Upgrade Galafi Border Post

July 27, 2021: The COMESA Secretariat and the Government of Djibouti have signed an agreement that sub-delegates the implementation of coordinated border management activities at the Galafi border post, on the Djibouti- Ethiopia border. A total of EUR 2.5 million is allocated to this project under the European Union funded Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP). The…
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COMESA Develops a Virtual Knowledge Management Portal on Climate Change

COMESA Secretariat through the Climate Change Programme has developed a virtual knowledge management portal. The portal is intended to promote national and regional sharing of information on diverse activities on climate action being undertaken in the region. The portal was activated on 14 July 2021 during a webinar which brought together COMESA Member States and…
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COMESA’s key targets to promote the agro-industry

Stakeholders in the agro-industry in collaboration with the COMESA Business Council (CBC) have developed a road map to be implemented from this year aimed at promoting the industry. Among the activities identified is the development of a regional anti-illicit policy and implementation framework, which will include sensitization of industry players on the need to establish…
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Covid-19 Pandemic has Aggravated Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade

COVID-19 has exacerbated the non-tariff barrier restrictions on free movement of persons, according to the Chairperson of the COMESA Business Council, Mr. Marday Venkatasamy. Speaking during the 16th CBC Board meeting conducted virtually on 1st July 2021, Mr. Venkatasamy said this was due to the emerging discriminatory practice of certain approved World Health Organization (WHO)…
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Innovation has Maintained COMESA’s Performance Trajectory

Amidst the prevailing Covid-19 situation, the implementation of the COMESA regional integration programmes has picked pace, with a notable consistent budget absorption under Member States funding on operational expenditures. According to a recent performance update by the COMESA Secretariat, there has been an upward trajectory in programme activities in the second quarter of the year…
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Access to Electricity in COMESA Region is on Average 60%

The percentage of the COMESA population with access to electricity is on average around 60%, but projections indicate that it will be around 80% by 2040. This will however depend on heavily investing in energy infrastructure in the next ten years. According to an update presented at the 10th Annual General Meeting of the Regional…
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Countries Implementing the Simplified Trade Regime Set to Rise

Ethiopia is set to start implementing the COMESA Simplified Trade Regime (STR) and other related trade facilitation instruments, which are critical in strengthening cross-border and COMESA intra-regional trade especially during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eight other regional States including Burundi, D R Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are already implementing…
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Building the Capacity of Member States to Report on Climate Change Actions

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in partnership with the COMESA Secretariat will offer a two-day virtual training to technical officers from Member States on the preparation and submission process of new/updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). NDCs are national climate plans highlighting climate actions, including climate related targets, policies and measures governments…
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Launch of the COMESA, Civil Society/Private Sector Online Platform (Video)

COMESA in partnership with the African Union, Economic Social and Cultural Council, (ECOSOCC) and the Save the Children International, have launched an online information-sharing platform to facilitate civil society organisations in the region to play a bigger role in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.