e-COMESA Newsletter 650
e-COMESA Newsletter 650
e-COMESA Newsletter 650
Lusaka, Wednesday 20 January 2021: COMESA Secretariat has awarded 18 scholarships worth USD 50,100 to COMESA citizens who are students admitted to ursue a Master’s egree Programme in Regional Integration at Kenyatta University of Kenya and University of Mauritius. This sponsorship has been facilitated through support from the European Union and the Organization of the…
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The virus which began as a simple localised outbreak in Wuhan, China in December 2019 quickly propagated across the globe, threatening the existence of humanity, global economic integration, value chain supplies and human mobility in general. As of 12th January 2021, nearly 89 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections had been recorded around the globe…
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The COMESA Innovation Awards was launched in 2013 to celebrate the Africa Union 50th Anniversary. The Awards are aimed at recognizing and celebrating individuals and institutions that have used science, technology and innovation to advance the regional integration agenda. The inaugural Innovation Awards were successfully given at the 17th Summit of the COMESA Heads of…
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Lusaka, Friday 15 January, 2021: Zambia has become the latest country to deposit its instruments of ratification for the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) Agreement with the COMESA Secretariat. This brings the number of countries that have ratified and deposited the TFTA instruments to nine. The Agreement needs a total of fourteen ratifications by Member…
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COMESA and the European Union have signed a EUR 7.6 million Financing Agreement for the COMESA Institutional Capacity Building Programme. Secretary-General Chileshe Kapwepwe co-signed the Agreement with the Ambassador of the European Union to Zambia who is also the Special Representative to COMESA, Mr. Jacek Jankowski on Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at the COMESA Secretariat.…
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In this Issue; Africa CDC, COMESA to Collaborate on Promoting Safe Trade Yellow Card has Settled Over $1m Insurance Claims COVID-19 Worsening Debt in Countries Need to Reboot the CADDP Commitments for Food Security COMESA Develops Key Policies for Livestock and Fisheries Countries Urged to Adopt Climate Change Resilience Framework Download eCOMESA Newsletter Issue No.…
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Lusaka, Monday, December 7, 2020: Discussions between the Africa Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and COMESA are on course to establish useful collaborations on healthy trade during and post Covid-19. The envisaged partnership will include provision of technical support on public health to trade facilitation initiatives to protect lives and livelihoods. The initiative…
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The COMESA Motor Vehicle Insurance Scheme paid out over $1.1 million in compensation claims to road accident victims caused by visiting and foreign motorists to the region for the period July 2019 to June 2020. According to a status report presented to the recent COMESA Council of Ministers meeting, 967 claims were reported to the…
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Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa which includes the COMESA region need to prioritize medium term policies such as structural transformation and economic diversification of individual economies, reforms in revenue mobilization and increase trade integration to deal with the worsening debt situation caused partly by the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to a special report authored by Senior…
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