Category: COMESA News

COMESA Committee of Elders Meet to Review the Impact of COVID-19

COMESA will continue using eminent personalities from the region in addressing conflicts and entrenching good governance. Speaking when she addressed members of the COMESA Committee of Elders, Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe said the economic potential in the region can only be harnessed in an environment of peace and stability, hence the important role of the…
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Madagascar Records 26% Drop in Imports

Madagascar recorded a 26% drop in imports in April compared to March 2020, according to a snapshot survey undertaken by the Statistics Unit at the Secretariat. The survey indicated that four key border posts, Antanimena, Tamatave-Pétrole, Ivato-Aéroport, Mamory-Aéroport recorded declines of 35%, 59%, 36% and 80% respectively.  Tamatave-Port was the only one to record a…
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Stringent COVID-19 Response Measures Paying-off

With the onset of COVID-19 in the region, countries in the region responded in three ways: those that put in place restrictive measures to prevent and contain the spread of COVID-19, those that adopted moderate restrictions, and those that opted to assess the situation first before taking response decisions. Countries that enforced strict measures from…
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INTRODUCTION The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, COMESA is a regional economic body comprising 21 Member Countries. COMESA’s current strategy can be summed up in the phrase “economic prosperity through regional integration”. With a population of over 540 million and global trade in goods worth more than US$ 235 billion, COMESA forms a…
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Global Value Chain as a Vehicle for Development in Africa

Implication of COVID 19 in the Future of Global Value Chain This paper presents the prospects of the value chain for Africa’s development and the implication of Covid-19 in the future of  global value chain, its benefits and costs, the efforts by some African countries to get into the global value chain and the requirements…
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Consultancy Services to conduct Cyber security audit and a risk assessment for ICT infrastructures and system for the 50 Million African Women Speak Networking Platform at COMESA head office, Lusaka, Zambia.

GRANT NO: 2100155032767PROJECT ID NO: P-Z1-G00-016 The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising the Republic of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The EAC Secretariat has received a grant from the African Development Bank to finance the 50 Million African Women Speak Networking Platform Project (50MWS) to create a dynamic Digital…
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Measures in Member States in Response to COVID-19

  Measures in COMESA MS in Response to Covid -19 Vol 11

أكثر من 10 دول اعضاء جاهزة لبدء تجريب شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية للكوميسا

أكثر من 10 دول اعضاء جاهزة لبدء تجريب شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية للكوميسا. وتعد شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية هي إحدى أحدث الأدوات التي تم وضعها بموجب مبادرة منطقة التجارة الحرة الرقمية بالكوميسا. وقد أبدت الدول التالية استعدادها لبدء تجريب نظام شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية بالكوميسا: بوروندي والكونغو الديمقراطية ومصر وإسواتيني وإثيوبيا وكينيا ومدغشقر وملاوي وموريشيوس ورواندا وسيشيل والسودان…
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السعي إلى تمديد مشروع دعم التجار عبر الحدود في إقليم البحيرات العظمى

تعاونت الكوميسا مع البنك الدولي من أجل تمديد فترة تنفيذ مشروع تيسير التجارة بالبحيرات العظمى لمدة عام واحد. ومن المُتوقع أن يساعد هذا التمديد غير ذي التكلفة في تعويض وقت التنفيذ الذي تهدر أثناء فترة فرض القيود الخاصة بفيروس موفيد – 19. ومن المُتوقع انتهاء فترة مشروع تيسير التجارة بالبحيرات العظمى المقدرة بأربع سنوات في…
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15 Member States Ready to Pilot the COMESA Electronic Certificate of Origin

Fifteen COMESA Member States are ready to  start piloting the COMESA Electronic Certificate of Origin (eCO) System. The eCO is one of the latest tools developed under the COMESA Digital Free Trade Area (DFTA) initiative. Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe have indicated their…
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