Category: COMESA News

Plans Underway to Assess the Impact of Data Collection on Consumer Price Indices

Lusaka, May 18, 2020: COMESA Secretariat has embarked on the assessment of the impact of the outbreak of COVID-19 on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data collection. This follows a disruption of  the surveys on CPI, which require interactive and wide coverage methods to collect data. The slowdown has been occasioned by the Coronavirus pandemic…
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eComesa Newsletter Issue 623

In this edition, we cover the decision of the COMESA Council of Ministers, with the key highlight being the adoption of common regional guidelines to harmonize responses to COVID-19 to facilitate trade across the region. Read more: eCOMESA Newsletter Issue 623

اعتماد الاقليم للمبادئ التوجيهية الموحدة من أجل سلامة التجارة خلال تفشى جائحة كوفيد-19

وافق الوزراء المسؤولون عن التجارة والصناعة في اقليم الكوميسا على مجموعة من المبادئ التوجيهية التى من المتوقع أن تؤدى دورا رئيسيا في تيسير التنسيق وتنفيذ التدابير على نحو موحد عبر الحدود وفي نفس الوقت ضمان السلامة العامة وسلامة التجارة. تم اتخاذ القرار خلال الاجتماع الاستثنائي الثامن للمجلس الوزارى الذي انعقد افتراضيا في يوم الخميس الموافق…
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Region Adopts Common Guidelines for Safe Trade During Covid-19

Lusaka, May, 15, 2020:Ministers responsible for commerce, trade and industry in the COMESA region have agreed on a set of guidelines, which are expected to play a key role in facilitating coordination and uniform application of measures across the borders while ensuring public safety and safe trade. The decision was made during the 8th Extraordinary…
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COMESA Ministers Approve Harmonized Regional Trade Facilitation Guidelines

Lusaka, May, 15, 2020: COMESA will develop an online platform for exchanging information on availability of essential products within the COMESA Member States as part of the response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was among key decisions made by the extra-ordinary meeting of the COMESA Council of Ministers, Thursday, May 14, 2020. The virtual meeting…
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COMESA States Want a Socioeconomic Study on the Impact on COVID-19

Lusaka, May 12, 2020: COMESA Member States have asked the Secretariat to conduct a socioeconomic study on the effects of the Coronavirus to inform ongoing COVID-19 containment measures and recovery strategies. The request was made by Permanent/ Principal Secretaries (PSs) from ministries that coordinate COMESA regional integration programmes during the COMESA Intergovernmental Committee meeting conducted today…
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Measures that Member States have put in Place in Response to COVID-19

Get the consolidated list of preventive and trade facilitation measures that COMESA Member States have put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Measures in COMESA Member States in Response to COVID-19

Une Institution du COMESA annule une douzaine d’accords commerciaux anticoncurrentiels

Plus de 12 accords commerciaux qui étaient en cours dans le Marché commun depuis plusieurs années ont été interdits parce qu’ils sont anticoncurrentiels. Cette mesure a été prise par la Commission de la concurrence du COMESA (CCC) après avoir évalué les accords en vigueur jusqu’en 2019. Il a été constaté que les accords interdits sont…
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Le personnel du COMESA soutient les efforts de la Zambie pour combattre la COVID-19

La semaine dernière, le personnel du Secrétariat du COMESA a fait un don de divers articles sanitaires et d’équipements de protection d’une valeur de 20 000 USD en vue de soutenir les efforts du gouvernement de la République de Zambie dans sa lutte contre la pandémie de coronavirus. Les fonds qui ont servi à l’achat…
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Retard dans la mise en œuvre du Projet conjoint COMESA-UA pour les jeunes

Les jeunes devraient être les premières victimes du chômage suite à la COVID-19 La mise en œuvre du Projet conjoint entre le COMESA et l’Union africaine qui devait contribuer à l’autonomisation et à la participation des jeunes à la promotion d’une gouvernance responsable dans la région et le continent africain a subi un retard. Cette…
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