Category: COMESA News

Consolidated List of COVID-19 Response Measures in Member States

Measures in COMESA MS in Response to Covid -19 Vol 10

Tribute to the Late President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi

On behalf of the Authority of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), I would like to express my profound sadness and sincere condolences to the family, the Government, and the People of Burundi, following the sudden demise of His Excellency President Pierre Nkurunziza. The late President was a member of the COMESA…
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eComesa Newsletter Issue No 626

Click on the link below to read/download the Newsletter.      

Ethiopia is Trailblazing in Climate-Resilient Green Economy

Ethiopia has inarguably taken the lead in the implementation of Climate-Resilient Green Economy to protect itself from the adverse effects of climate change with significant resources being deployed towards reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The key success stories are in afforestation and land rehabilitation; generation and distribution of electricity from clean and renewable sources and…
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Regional States Show Remarkable Resilience to Covid-19, Defying Earlier Predictions

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was predicted that most of the health systems in Africa and the COMESA region would be overwhelmed by the unprecedented spread of the virus. Anecdotal evidence based on country-specific interventions, however, indicates that countries in the region have demonstrated remarkable resilience defying earlier predictions. According to an…
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Rwanda, Uganda Record Reduced Trade Flows

Rwanda and Uganda have recorded a reduction in trade flows in April and May 2020, according to the latest report from the COMESA Statistics on ‘COVID 19 Impact on Trade’. The report was prepared in the first two months in which COVID-19 spread to the region. Imports into Rwanda declined by 32 % in April…
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Guidelines on Free Movement of People and Goods Published

COMESA has published and gazetted the regional guidelines on the movement of goods and services across the region. This heralds the beginning of the implementation of the guidelines across the 21 member States. The guidelines were endorsed three weeks ago by the COMESA Ministers responsible for regional trade. Regional trade has consistently faced difficulties as…
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COVID-19 in COMESA-Situational Update #17


التحويلات المالية من المهجر هي أمر في غاية الأهمية من أجل التعافي من أزمة جائحة كوفيد-19

غير أنه ينبغى للاقليم اتخاذ الإصلاحات اللازمة من أجل ضمان حدوثها وفقا للبنك الدولى سوف تنخفض تدفقات التحويلات المالية إلى بلدان أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء بنسبة 23.1% وذلك من 48 بليون دولار أمريكي في 2019، إلى 37 بليون دولار أمريكي في 2020، وذلك في أعقاب الأزمة الاقتصادية المترتبة على تفشى جائحة كوفيد-19. وعالميا فإن البلدان التى…
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ملاوى وزامبيا تسجلان انخفاضا في تدفقات التجارة

سجلت كل من ملاوى وزامبيا انخفاضا في التدفقات التجارية خلال شهرى مارس وأبريل وذلك طبقا للتقرير الأخير الصادر عن احصائيات الكوميسا المتعلقة بآثار تفشى جائحة كوفيد-19 على التجارة. وهذان هما الشهران اللذان بدأ فيهما انتشار الفيروس إلى البلدين. وهذا هو بمثابة جزء من التقارير التي توفر نتائج أولية بشأن تعقب تدفقات التجارة في اقليم الكوميسا…
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