Category: Latest News

COMESA and Its Institutions Hold 2nd CEO’s Retreat

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from eleven COMESA Institutions joined by the Executive Management of COMESA Secretariat held their 2nd Annual Retreat on Tuesday 18 April 2023 in Lusaka where they jointly took stock of the successes achieved as a collective across the Common Market. The CEOs noted that it was important to look out for…
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Zambia and Malawi meet to discuss the New STR Common List

COMESA convened a bilateral meeting between the Governments of Zambia and Malawi aimed at discussing implementation of the Simplified Trade Regime (STR) including additional items to be placed on the common list of products. Other issues discussed included the value threshold for STR and the complexities of some regulatory procedures such as sanitary and phyto-sanitary…
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Air Transport Sector Development Programme Holds Technical Working Group Meeting

The First Technical Working Group (TWG) and Programme Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting for the Support to the Air Transport Sector Development Programme (SATSD) will be held in Lusaka, Zambia from Tuesday 28 – 29 March and 30 – 31 March 2023. Th SATSD was established in 2020 to operationalize the Single African Air Transport Market,…
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Transport Stakeholders Dialogue to Promote Seamless Movement of Goods and People in the Region

A high-level regional dialogue between stakeholders in the transport sector and governments has taken place in Lusaka, Zambia, focusing on the movement of goods and people as part of encouraging intra-Africa trade. This is the 2nd Edition of the dialogue dubbed ‘Land-linked Zambia Conference and Exhibition’ themed ‘Leveraging on the Impacts of the African Continental…
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Regional Food Balance Sheet Committee Holds Inaugural Meeting

Senior Government officials from the Ministries of Agriculture in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia and representatives of key regional private sector associations that make up the Committee of the Regional Food Balance Sheet (RFBS) Initiative have convened in Lusaka, Zambia for a meeting to advance stakeholders ownership and governance of the RFBS. The…
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Border Officials Trained on Handling Health Emergencies

Senior officials working at strategic border posts in the region are undergoing a four-day training programme on border management during health emergencies in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The training kicked off on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 in Lusaka Zambia, targeting immigration, customs, border police, port health and trade officials from Malawi, Zambia and…
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National Accounts Statisticians Trained on GDP Rebasing

More than 70 national accounts statisticians from 37 countries in Africa have participated in a workshop on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rebasing in the framework of the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) implementation in Africa. This is part of the Statistical Capacity Building Program, Phase 5 supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB) through…
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ACTESA Develops a Regional Seed Information System

The Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA), has developed a Seed Information System which will be used to measure performance of the COMESA Seed Trade Harmonization Implementation Plan (COMSHIP). The COMESA Seed Information System (COMSIS) will give an opportunity to seed companies with varieties on the COMESA Variety Catalogue to know…
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Draft Tripartite Protocol on Competition Policy Moves to next Stage

The proposed Tripartite Protocol on Competition Policy has been reviewed by the Tripartite Committee of Senior Trade Officials and will be recommended to the Tripartite Sectoral Ministerial Committee meeting for consideration before being submitted to the Council of Ministers for adoption. This happened during the 21st Tripartite Technical Negotiation Forum and the 17th Meeting of…
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More Countries Keen to Join the TFTA

There is renewed momentum and willingness by COMESA-EAC-SADC Member States that are yet to ratify instruments of the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) to finalize internal consultations and join the eleven countries that have already signed the Agreement. Once 14 countries sign, the TFTA will be set into motion. As Chair of the COMESA-EAC and…
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