Category: Latest News

Greater Inter-agency Collaboration Necessary to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Lusaka, Monday, March 4, 2019: Rising sophistication of financial crimes especially money laundering and terrorism financing necessitates greater inter-agency collaboration and regional partnerships. Countries that faces higher incidences of terror attacks have particularly been responsive to regional initiatives, such as the COMESA Maritime Security (MASE) programme, which deal with Anti Money Laundering and Combating the…
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COMESA Peace Elders Retreat; Elects New Chair

Lusaka, Monday, March 4, 2019: The COMESA Committee of Elders (CoE) is one of the critical pillars that seek to promote peace and security in the region as enshrined in Article 3 (d) of the COMESA Treaty. It was established in 2009 to augment the office of the Secretary General with peacemaking assignments through the…
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Digitization of Trade Facilitation Tools to Reduce Corruption Risks

Lusaka, Monday, March 4, 2019: Secretary General of COMESA Chileshe Kapwepwe says implementing the trade facilitation tools such as the digital free trade area, simplification and automation of documents and processes will address some of risks that provide space for corrupt practices in the COMESA region. Addressing over 60 enterprises in Zambia that participated in…
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Mourning Albert Rene, Former President of Seychelles

Lusaka, Monday, March 4, 2019: COMESA has paid tribute to the former president of Seychelles, Albert Rene who passed away on Wednesday 27 February 2019 at the age of 83. In a message of condolences to the President of Seychelles, His Excellency Mr. Danny Faure, the Secretary General of COMESA Chileshe Kapwepwe extolled the former…
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COMESA to Develop a Regional Code on Anti-Corruption Compliance

Lusaka, Wednesday, February 27, 2019: COMESA will soon develop a Regional Model Code on Anti-Corruption Compliance to help enterprises in the region improve their business environment. The initiative is part of the activities under the COMESA Business Council (CBC) Integrity Project which is being implemented in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE).…
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COMESA seeks to raise its global share of seed trade value to 5%

Lusaka, Monday, February 25, 2019: COMESA targets to increase its share of the total global seed trade value from 2% to 5% in the next three years. This will be done through the implementation of the COMESA Seed Harmonisation Implementation Plan (COMSHIP). To this end, the COMESA Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern…
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Development of Port Sudan Corridor is Underway

Lusaka, Monday, February 25, 2019: Preparations have started to establish the Port Sudan Corridor (PSC). This will serve as a gateway to international markets, especially Asia, for countries in the eastern and southern African region. Specifically, the corridor will directly serve COMESA States; Ethiopia and Sudan, and later Uganda. Afterwards it will extend beyond the…
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Regional Integration: Reaching out to defence forces

Lusaka, Monday, February 25, 2019: As part of COMESA stakeholders’ outreach programme, members of the defence forces from the region were conducted on a public lecture aimed at deepening their understanding of regional integration and the role of peace and security. The lecture was conducted by the Director of Trade and Customs, COMESA, Dr Francis…
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COMESA Receives AU Service Passports

COMESA Secretariat has received the first batch of the African Union travel document known as the Laissez Passer (LP) for the use by members of staff. A total of 123 AU Service LPs and seven Diplomatic LPs were handed over to the COMESA Assistant Secretary General for Administration and Finance Dr Dev Haman (R)in Lusaka…
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Pre-Election Observation Mission to Comoros

The five day Pre-Election Observation Mission to the Union of Comoros ahead of the Presidential elections set for 24th March 2019. The delegation was led by Madam Hope Kivengere a member of the COMESA Committee of elders from Uganda. The deployment of the pre-election assessment mission is in line with the Decision of the 16th…
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