Category: Latest News

A New Statistics Strategy for COMESA is in the Works

COMESA is developing a regional Statistics Strategy covering the period 2021-2025. Its main focus will be to strengthen the collection and dissemination of statistical information in the region with the overall objective of supporting regional integration. The current Statistics Strategy covered the period 2017-2020. COMESA stakeholders from Member States, Partner organizations and the Secretariat held…
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Regional-Wide Post-Covid-19 Recovery Plan is a Top Priority

COMESA and Mauritius have agreed on the need to prioritize a regional-wide post-Covid-19 recovery plan to assist Member States get their economies back on their feet. In a meeting conducted virtually between COMESA Secretary General, Chileshe Kapwepwe and the Mauritius Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade Hon Nandcoomar BODHA, the two agreed…
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COMESA Hails the new Continental One-Stop-Shop for Medicines

COMESA has welcomed the launch of the African Medical Supplies Platform (AMSP) as an invaluable One Stop Shop that will ensure access to safe and affordable quality medicines in Africa. Launched in June this year, the digital platform is intended to serve as a consolidated online marketplace to facilitate the provision of COVID-19-related medical products…
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New Information Kit to Enhance Gender Mainstreaming

The COMESA Secretariat has developed modules for an online course on trade and gender which will help the advancement of gender equality and empowerment of women in the region. This is part of an information kit presented to Member States in a virtual meeting of COMESA Gender Experts held on 21- 22 September. The revision…
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RISM Programme Sensitizes over 600 Congolese Stakeholders on the COMESA Rules of Origin

Over 600 stakeholders comprising of border officials and local economic operators from the Democratic Republic of Congo have completed trade related skills training designed to enhance better understanding of the potential opportunities that the COMESA market offers. The training was provided under the COMESA Regional Integration Support Mechanism (RISM) with funding from the European Union.…
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COVID 19 Preventive Measures Yielding Positive Results

According to the latest COMESA Situational Update, the monthly rate of increase of COVID 19 has been declining due to the preventive and mitigation measures that have been put in place by governments to contain the spread of the pandemic. The latest Situational Update Number 31 compiled by the COMESA Early Warning System (COMWARN) states…
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COVID- 19: Region Begins Gradual Re-opening of Learning Institutions

September 21, 2020: Lower and higher institutions of learning are opening up for educational activities in the COMESA region as the bloc begins to ease COVID-19 restrictions. So far, schools in Egypt, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been opening from the month of August, September and some are set October. Governments…
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International Chamber of Commerce Signs Business Pact with COMESA

The COMESA Business Council (CBC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to strengthen business partnerships for its members in regional and international markets. The event took place during the ICC/World Chambers Federation Action Network Meeting on 9 November 2020. Over 70 business leaders representing business associations from Africa…
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Tripartite Ministerial Committee Endorse Legal Instruments for Transport Facilitation

September, 18, 2020: Cross border road transport laws, regulations, standards and systems are set to be harmonized from Cape to Cairo following the endorsement of two anchor Multilateral Agreements and five Model Laws. The COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Sectoral Ministerial Committee on Legal Affairs (TSMCLA) endorsed the Tripartite Draft Legal Instruments on Transport and Transit Facilitation during…
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COMESA’s New Plan for the Next Five Years

Lusaka, September 17, 2020: The COMESA Secretariat has developed a draft Medium-Term Strategic Plan (MTSP) covering 2021- 2025 which is geared to support structural transformation of the region and boost overall economic development through trade facilitation and investment promotion. To formulate this new MTSP, the Secretariat used a wide consultative approach with key stakeholders both…
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