€3.2 million Euros National Sanitary and Phytosanitary System for Comoros

In collaboration with the European Union, COMESA is supporting the development of an efficient national Sanitary and Phytosanitary System (SPS) in Comoros. The support has been provided to the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment (INRAPE),  through the COMESA Adjustment Fund (CAF) under the Regional Integration Support Mechanism (RISM) programme.

Activities under this initiative includes facilitating consultations to improve the local SPS regulations and introduction of new legal texts in the sector in aligned with international protocols.

The regulations have been developed through Ministerial and Presidential decrees and are currently awaiting Parliamentary approval. The regulations are further expected to improve the sanitary control of plants or plant products, on imports and exports and guarantee the control of the processing, packaging, storage or distribution of animal food going to the local market. These are expected to constitute the main references in Agri-food and plant protection in Comoros.

According to the project’s progress report, the application of the laws will require the organization and coordination of national institutions responsible for certification and official controls which will protect the Comoros national market.

In addition, over 35 phytosanitary inspectors have been trained on the islands of Anjouan and Moheli in anticipation of the application of the proposed legislation on foodstuffs and other priority texts related to phytosanitary law.

The support has been provided with the aim of addressing the regulatory deficit within the national sanitary and phytosanitary system. It includes the rehabilitation and equipping of the premises of INRAPE and the SPS Information Exchange with IT equipment.

COMESAs’ support is expected to contribute to a strengthened SPS system that is effective in ensuring food safety and quality control within the region.

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