EOI – Consultancy for the Harmonisation, Elaboration of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Project Ideas and Development of Bankable Project Proposals


The NDC Partnership is a global initiative to help countries achieve their national climate commitments and to ensure that financial and technical assistance are delivered as efficiently as possible.  COMESA became a member of the NDC Partnership in August 2019 and has since been awarded a grant to support three (3) Member States namely: Eswatini, Zambia and Zimbabwe to achieve the two overarching objectives of the NDC Partnership as highlighted below:

  • Objective 1: Enhance NDCs, including by raising ambition, as part of the Paris Agreement’s NDC update process;
  • Objective 2: Fast-track implementation of NDCs, including by providing in-country technical expertise and capacity building.

The support comes through the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP).  The CAEP is a new offering of the NDC Partnership designed to deliver targeted, fast-track support to countries to enhance the quality, increase the ambition, and implement NDCs. Through the CAEP, NDC Partnership supports countries to achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement which requires countries to revise their NDCs every 5 years, to continuously cut greenhouse gas emissions and limit Earth’s temperature rise as well as implement solutions to adapt to the effects of climate change. Since most countries submitted their NDCs in 2015, submission of revised NDCs is due in 2020.  Hence the timing of the support. The updating of NDCs presents countries with significant opportunities to align their climate and development agendas to promote sustainable growth but also poses challenges of accessing funding for the initiatives. 


The Government of the Republic of Zambia ratified the Paris Agreement that seeks to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above preindustrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels. Zambia submitted its NDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015 and it is now currently due for revision in 2020. The NDC is a policy document with an overall objective of putting the country on a Low carbon climate resilient pathway and also aimed at assisting the country to contribute towards the achievement of the global temperature goal without compromising its development needs. The NDC presents a reduction of GHG emissions of 25% and 47% against 2010 base year with limited and substantial financial support, respectively.

The NDC also helps the country to build resilience in climate sensitive systems. Achieving this ambition requires in-country interventions by state and non-state actors. In order to facilitate the implementation of the NDC in Zambia, Government undertook a stakeholder consultative process involving national and provincial levels to identify potential areas for development of projects and programmes towards the implementation of Zambia’s NDCs. A total of 33 project ideas were identified from the provinces and further narrowed down to 11 project ideas based on similarity of sectoral focus. In the same consultative approach, Zambia also elaborated draft implementation plans for the NDC and the National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC).

It is the intention of Government that the portfolio of NDC projects and/or programmes is harmonized to ensure its contribution to both the NDC and NPCC aspirations. For ease of use and reference by various stakeholders, the harmonized project ideas are expected to be packaged into a project pipeline document for engagement with potential funding sources.

In addition, the harmonized project ideas are expected to be elaborated into project idea notes (PINs) to inform engagement with potential funding sources. The PINs will have information on but not limited to: Title, rationale, detailed description, implementation arrangements, goal, target geographical location, activities, expected outcomes and estimated costs.

Lastly, three (3) of those Project Idea Notes will be developed to full bankable proposals to facilitate mobilisation of resources for their implementation.


It is from the above background that Government, through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources wishes to recruit a consultant/consulting firm to undertake the following tasks:

  1. The harmonisation of NDC project ideas/concept notes, align them to the NDC sectors and develop a final harmonised project ideas report;
  2. Elaboration of Project Ideas or concepts notes;
  3. The development of three (3) bankable project proposals under the NDC.

Click on the link below for more details.

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