FEMCOM to Launch Kanakantapa Cassava Cluster and ZFAWIB Garment Factory in Zambia

The Federation of National Associations of Women in Business in Eastern and Southern Africa (FEMCOM) is set to launch the Kanakantapa Cassava cluster factory situated in Chongwe area about 50 kilometers east of Lusaka. FEMCOM is also set to hand over textile equipment to the textile and garment cluster based in Lusaka’s Villa Elizabeth area.

At the Kanakantapa Cluster FEMCOM on 5 August 2019 committed over USD 12,000 to support the refurbishment of the Cassava cluster initiative so that it can bring back the lost exaltation that the initiative was known for. The support went towards the purchase of new cassava processing equipment, reinstallation of new water reticulation facilities and general maintenance of the facility.

Secretary General Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe, FEMCOM Chief Executive Officer Ruth Negash and the FEMCOM chapter in Zambia are expected to grace the occasion slated for Valentine’s Day February 14 2020.

Once launched the two clusters will help the women in business get access to new equipment to process the cassava and garments which will result in them contributing to the economic development of the country and region as large.

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