International Center on Small Hydro Power Donates 5,000 Masks

Lusaka, May 26, 2020: COMESA has received 5, 000 surgical masks worth $4,500 from the International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP). The masks will support small scale cross border traders at selected border posts for COVID-19 prevention.

Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe received the masks in Lusaka, Tuesday 26 May from Mr. Jerro Zhou of the Jiangxi Zambia Chamber of Commerce Official, representing ICSHP’s Director General Prof. Lui Deyou.

In a letter to the SG, Prof. Deyou expressed gratitude to COMESA for their support and solidarity during the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China.

SG Kapwepwe appreciated the support from ICSHP saying it would go a long way in fighting COVID-19 especially among small-scale cross border traders. The masks will be targeted at selected borders such as Kasumbalesa, Mchinji, Chirundu and Victoria falls.

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