COMESA Secretariat held a two-day successful orientation programme for nine new members of staff who have joined the organisation in different divisions, projects and units. The orientation programme held virtually was also attended by several members of staff who took turns to make presentations about the programmes being implemented by the divisions, units and projects.
Speaking during the opening of the first of its kind orientation programme, Secretary General (SG) Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe welcomed the new staff and pointed out that much was expected of them in contributing to the delivery of the COMESA regional integration agenda. She expressed faith that they would rise to the occasion.
“Your appointment confirms the resilience of our recruitment systems and structures which have made it possible for you to take up your appointments at the Secretariat. You are the best talent in the region in your specific areas of technical expertise and I am proud that you have all joined us to contribute to the implementation of the COMESA Regional Integration Agenda enshrined in its Treaty,” She added “Having been competitively recruited throughout the COMESA region, you demonstrated the best fit for your respective position, and I am glad to inform you that your appointments were approved by the COMESA Council of Ministers in November 2020,” she said.
Ms Kapwepwe informed the new employees that the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected the livelihoods of all people in the region and beyond and she was hopeful that very soon the vaccines would be made available to everyone.
With the help of African Union Center for Disease Control (AU-CDC), the Secretariat is planning to further increase the sharing of information on the pandemic to all stakeholders.
As a way of continuing in the new normal, the SG said the Secretariat has been implementing an interim Business Continuity Plan since April 2020, which has paved the way for the institution to ensure that staff continue to deliver on the mandate of the organization while safeguarding their wellbeing. Compulsory wearing of masks, social distancing and observing of health protocols have proved to be an effective means of combating the spread of COVID-19 and this has worked well for the Secretariat through offsite working arrangements. Several virtual meetings, workshops and Policy Organs meetings have been conducted with Member States and various stakeholders since then.
The Secretariat has undertaken significant work in revising the organisational structure which includes designing a lean organization structure, review of job descriptions and conducting a skills audit. These measures are aimed at ensuring that the organization structure and staffing is fit for purpose. The organization structure will be further rationalized and aligned with the 2021– 2025 COMESA Medium Term Strategic Plan (MTSP), expected to be approved soon approval.
The new staff were urged to use the probation period to learn as much as they can and adhere to the set staff rules and regulations. As a rule-based organization, Ms Kapwepwe added that governance and accountability are key attributes of the way business is done and the Treaty plays a key role as the guiding document.
Following expiry of contracts of a few Professional staff, the Secretariat conducted the recruitment exercise virtually to timely filling up the vacant positions.
The Assistant Secretaries General for Programes and Administration and Finance Amb. Dr Kipyego Cheluget and Dr Dev Haman both participated in the orientation programme and encouraged the new staff to contribute positively to the organisation.