
EOI – Consultancy for the Harmonisation, Elaboration of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Project Ideas and Development of Bankable Project Proposals

BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT The NDC Partnership is a global initiative to help countries achieve their national climate commitments and to ensure that financial and technical assistance are delivered as efficiently as possible.  COMESA became a member of the NDC Partnership in August 2019 and has since been awarded a grant to support three (3) Member…
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COVID-19 in COMESA: Situational Update No. 13

Countries in the region have intensified mass testing which has contributed to the confirmation of more new cases. On a positive note, the number of recoveries has also been rising steadily. As mass testing is intensified, it is expected that the number of confirmed cases in the region will continue to rise. The assumption is…
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دول الكوميسا تطالب بإجراء دراسة اجتماعية واقتصادية حول الآثار المترتبة على تفشى جائحة كوفيد-19

طالبت الدول الأعضاء في الكوميسا الأمانة العامة بإجراء دراسة اجتماعية واقتصادية حول آثار فيروس الكورونا بهدف الاستفادة منها في إثراء تدابير الاحتواء المتواصلة وفي إعداد استراتيجيات التعافي. وتقدم بالطلب الأمناء الدائمون للوزارات التى تتولى أمر التنسيق لبرامج التكامل الاقليمي في الكوميسا وذلك خلال الاجتماع الافتراضى للجنة الحكومية للكوميسا المنعقد في يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 12 مايو…
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COMESA States Want a Socioeconomic Study on the Impact on COVID-19

Lusaka, May 12, 2020: COMESA Member States have asked the Secretariat to conduct a socioeconomic study on the effects of the Coronavirus to inform ongoing COVID-19 containment measures and recovery strategies. The request was made by Permanent/ Principal Secretaries (PSs) from ministries that coordinate COMESA regional integration programmes during the COMESA Intergovernmental Committee meeting conducted…
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تراجع التجارة البينية في الاقليم بسبب كوفيد-19 غير أن السياسات المالية سوف تلعب دورا رئيسيا في التخفيف من أثر الصدمة

ينبغى لاقليم الكوميسا نسبة لانفتاحه على التجارة الدولية والهجرة الاستعداد لمواجهة الآثار السالبة لكوفيد-19، الخارجية منها والداخلية وذلك طبقا للتقرير الصادر عن معهد النقد بالكوميسا. وبحسب التقرير الذى أعده مدير معهد النقد بالكوميسا السيد/ ابراهيم زيدى فإن الآثار الخارجية ناشئة من إجراءات السياسة الموجهة نحو احتواء انتشار جائحة كوفيد-19، التى يتم اتخاذها في باقى أنحاء…
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COVID-19 a Setback to Intra-Regional Trade, but fiscal policies will play a leading role in mitigating the shock

Due to its openness to international trade and migration, COMESA region should brace for the adverse effects of COVID-19, which are both exogenous and endogenous, according to a report by the COMESA Monetary Institute. According to the report prepared by the Director of the COMESA Monetary Institute (CMI) Mr. Ibrahim Zeidy, the exogenous effects arise…
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Climate Change: Virtual Training of Experts on the Paris Agreement

Lusaka, May 9, 2020: COMESA countries will this week participate in a three-day virtual training on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. This initiative is part of capacity building support to Parties and a joint effort between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the COMESA Secretariat. The training will focus on the…
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COMESA Agency Strikes-off 12 Anti-Competition Trade Agreements

More than twelve trade agreements which have been operational in the Common Market for several years have been banned for being anti-competition. The action was taken by the COMESA Competition Commission (CCC) after assessing the agreements in place up to 2019. The banned Agreements were found to have the potential to bar potential competition in…
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COMESA Staff Supports Zambia’s Efforts on COVID-19

Lusaka, Thursday, May 7, 2020: COMESA Secretariat Staff presented assorted sanitation and protective materials worth $20,000 last week towards supporting efforts of the government of Zambia in its response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Funds to procure the items were raised by the COMESA Secretariat staff as a Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. They included 15,000 facial masks,…
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COMESA Institutions Join National Efforts in Combating COVID-19

COMESA institutions have joined the efforts towards supporting the governments in their host countries in the fight against the Coronavirus. Among those that have so far contributed to this cause are  the Federation of National Associations of Women in Business in Eastern and Southern Africa (FEMCOM), the COMESA Competition Commission (CCC) and the Trade and…
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