
Le Comité directeur salue les progrès du Projet 50MFAP

Le Comité directeur du Projet «50 Millions de femmes africaines ont la parole» a salué les progrès enregistrés jusqu’à présent. C’était à sa dernière réunion tenue à Mwanza en Tanzanie, les 5 et 6 décembre 2019. Le Comité est composé de cadres des Communautés économiques régionales (CER) qui mettent en œuvre le projet : le Marché commun…
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Steering Committee lauds 50MAWSP progress

The Steering Committee of the 50 Million African Women Speak Project has given the initiative a stamp of approval for the progress registered so far. This followed the Steering Committee’s latest meeting held in Mwanza, United Republic of Tanzania from 5-6 December. The Committee is comprised of executive staff from the project implementing regional economic…
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Le Secrétariat du COMESA en congé de fin d’année

Le Secrétariat du COMESA sera fermé pendant deux semaines du vendredi 20 décembre 2019 au 5 janvier 2020. Les activités reprendront le lundi 6 janvier, date à laquelle la plupart des membres du personnel devraient reprendre le travail. Le congé a été annoncé par la Directrice des Ressources humaines et de l’Administration, Mme Martha Elimu.…
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COMESA Secretariat Goes on Industrial Break

The COMESA Secretariat will be closed for two weeks from Friday 20 December 2019 to 5th January 2020. Official business will resume on Monday 6th January when most staff members are expected to report back for work. This was announced in a Statement by the Director of Human Resources & Administration Mrs Martha Elimu. “We…
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Press Release: Residential Bootcamp for Youth Leaders in Policy Formulation and Implementation on Democratic Governance and Socio-Economic Development

A capacity strengthening residential Boot Camp for youth leaders in policy formulation and implementation on democratic governance and socio-economic development was held from 14 – 18 December 2019 in Arusha, Tanzania. The Boot Camp was organized by the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Secretariat through its Joint COMESA – African Governance Architecture…
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COMESA Central Bank Governors Discuss Monetary Integration

Lusaka, Friday 13 December 2019: The 24th Meeting of the COMESA Committee of Central Bank Governors and their representatives met in Lusaka on Friday and discussed ways of enhancing implementation of the COMESA Monetary Integration Agenda. They have agreed that the success of several regional programmes including the Free Trade Area (FTA), the Tripartite Free…
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Over 60 Seeds Listed on the COMESA Variety Catalogue

The number of seed varieties listed on the COMESA Variety Catalogue has increased to sixty-nine after seeds from two more companies namely Western Seed and Seed-Co were listed through the Uganda National Variety List. This has been made possible by the COMESA Seed Harmonisation Implementation Plan (COMSHIP).  COMSHIP, a COMESA Seed Programme working in close…
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COMESA Kick Starts Visibility Programme for the Great Lakes Project

COMESA Secretariat working with the Implementation unit of the Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project (GLTFP) have started rolling out the communications strategy meant to enhance visibility of the project in the beneficiary countries.  The project is part of the wider World Bank Great Lakes Imitative (GLI) which reflects the commitment of the World Bank to…
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eComesa Newsletter Issue No. 605

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