
Experts Propose Policy Reforms to Expand STR Products Range

The range of goods traded under the COMESA Simplified Trade Regime (STR) is set to expand following policy recommendations made last week by trade experts. Meeting in Kenya during a Policy Dialogue on STR Implementation, 8 – 9 October 2019, the experts proposed that imports from countries participating in the COMESA Free Trade Area (FTA),…
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Investing More in Research and Development will Boost Regional Trade

Governments of COMESA Member States ought to increase public expenditure on research and development to boost innovation and hence trade and also put in place favorable policy through proper institutional framework. According to a research conducted recently by two researchers on the relationship between innovation and trade growth, there is a strong linkage between the…
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Regional Central Banks Staff Trained on Managing International Reserves

Lusaka, Sunday, October 13, 2019: Central Banks of 10 COMESA Member States namely: Djibouti, Egypt, Eswatini, Eritrea, Libya, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe have benefited from a capacity building initiative on the management of international reserves. This is through training conducted in Cairo, Egypt from 15th to 19th September 2019, under the theme: ‘Active…
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Numéro 597 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

[real3dflipbook id=’21’]   Numéro 597 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

eComesa Issue No 597

eCOMESA Issue No. 597

Addressing Regulatory Challenges to Attract Investments in Energy

Djibouti, Friday, October 10, 2019: The past two decades have witnessed transformation of the electricity market in Africa following the gradual opening, liberalization and reform of national electricity markets. A fundamental component of the transformation has been the establishment of national regulatory institutions tasked with independently regulating and overseeing their respective electricity sectors. With investors…
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New Head of EU, Italy Diplomatic Missions Accredited to COMESA

Lusaka, Tuesday, October 8, 2019: The new Head of Delegation of the European Union Commission to Zambia Mr Jacek Jankowski, and the new Italian Ambassador to Zambia, Mr. Antonino Maggiore were today accredited as the Special Representatives of their Missions to COMESA. The two presented their letters of accreditation to the Secretary General of COMESA,…
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Numéro 597 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

Numéro 597 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

eComesa Issue No. 597

[real3dflipbook id=’19’] eComesa Issue 597

Le COMESA et l’ASARECA signent un pacte pour promouvoir l’agriculture

Dans l’économie mondiale actuelle en rapide mutation, les innovations, les technologies et les pratiques améliorées sont essentielles à la transformation de l’agriculture, car elles aident les petits exploitants et autres producteurs agricoles à devenir compétitifs. Non seulement ces facteurs contribuent à augmenter la productivité et la durabilité de l’agriculture, ils permettent aussi à réduire les…
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