
COMESA Region Annual Inflation Rate at 31.6%

The year on year inflation rate in the COMESA region, as measured by the Harmonized Consumer Price Indices (HCPI-COMESA), stood at 31.6% in January 2020. It means that the prices of goods and services increased by an average of 31.6% between January 2019 and January 2020. Using a particular or common currency, an item that…
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Numéro 614 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

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eComesa Newsletter Issue No. 614

[real3dflipbook id=’36’] eCOMESA Issue No. 614  

La Tunisie va commencer à commercer aux termes de la ZLE du COMESA

La Tunisie peut désormais exporter ses produits vers 15 États membres de la Zone de libre-échange du COMESA sans payer de droits d’importation après avoir achevé le processus d’élaboration et de délivrance des instruments juridiques pour le commerce. Dans une communication adressée par le Ministre tunisien du Commerce, M. Mohamed Msilini à la Secrétaire générale…
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Tunisia to Begin Trading under the COMESA FTA

Lusaka, Tuesday, March 10, 2020: Tunisia can now export its products to 15 member States of the COMESA Free Trade Area without paying import duties after completing the process of developing and issuing the legal instruments for trading. In a communication by the Tunisia Minister of Trade Hon. Mohamed Msilini to COMESA Secretary General Chileshe…
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Élaboration d’un guide de formulation de la politique monétaire

L’Institut monétaire du COMESA (IMC) a élaboré un guide de l’utilisateur sur la modélisation et la prévision de l’équilibre général stochastique dynamique de base (DSGE) pour la formulation de la politique monétaire. Le DSGE est une boîte à outils économique ou une méthode utilisée par les économistes pour expliquer le fonctionnement de l’économie à partir…
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Monetary Policy Formulation Guide Developed

Nairobi, Tuesday, March 10, 2020: COMESA Monetary Institute has developed a User’s Guide on the Basic Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Modelling and Forecasting for Monetary Policy Formulation. DSGE is an economic tool kit or method used by economists to explain the working of the economy from micro-economic principles (foundations). The tool kit models interactions…
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فيمكوم تحشد الجهود لمناصرة تمكين المرأة

انتهز اتحاد الجمعيات الوطنية لسيدات الأعمال التجارية مناسبة اليوم العالمي للمرأة هذا العام من أجل الدعوة إلى تمكين المرأة وتكافؤ اتاحة الفرص في سوق العمل وذلك من خلال رفع مستوى المهارات للفتيات. وفي حديثها بمناسبة إحياء ذكرى اليوم العالمي للمرأة في منطقة ماتشينجا جنوب ليلونجوي عاصمة ملاوي، ناشدت السيدة/ روث نيجاش، الرئيس التنفيذي لفيمكوم جميع…
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FEMCOM Advocates for Women Empowerment

Lilongwe, Tuesday, March 9, 2020: The Federation of National Association of Women in Business (FEMCOM) used this year’s International Women’s Day to advocate for women empowerment and equal opportunity in the job market through skills upgrading for girls. Speaking at the commemoration of the Day at Machinga, south of Malawi Capital, Lilongwe, Ms. Ruth Negash,…
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Status of Energy in the COMESA Region

Addis Ababa, Thursday, March 5, 2020: The total installed power generation capacity in the COMESA region is 92,00 megawatts (MW) with Thermal power dominating at more than 69% and Hydro (large and small) accounting for 30%. This was disclosed during the 9th Annual General Meeting of the COMESA Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern…
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