
Des experts régionaux de l’énergie effectuent un examen par les pairs dans les États membres

Les autorités de régulation de l’énergie dans les pays membres de l’Association régionale des régulateurs de l’énergie de l’Afrique orientale et australe (ARÉFOA) feront l’objet d’un examen par les pairs afin de s’assurer que leurs opérations sont alignées sur les meilleures pratiques régionales. Le premier examen par les pairs a été effectué la semaine dernière,…
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Regional Energy Experts Conducting Peer Review on Member States

Addis Ababa, Wednesday, March 4, 2020: Energy regulatory authorities in countries that are members of the COMESA Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa (RAERESA) will be going through peer review to ensure their operations are bench-marked against regional best practices The first peer review is being conducted this week, from 4…
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Numéro 613 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

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e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 613

eCOMESA Issue 613

African Women Business Platform Launched

Lusaka, Friday, February 28, 2020: An online business networking platform aimed at connecting 50 million women entrepreneurs across Africa has been launched. The 50 Million African Women Speak Platform (50MAWSP) is an initiative of three regional economic communities supported by the African Development Bank. The  inaugural national launch was conducted in Zambia, on Friday, 28…
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Implementation of the Tripartite FTA Agreement now in Sight

Lusaka, Tuesday, February 25, 2020: The implementation of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement is now in sight following a spike in the number of countries ratifying and set to ratify the Agreement. Eight countries have so far ratified the agreement with six remaining to attain the required threshold of 14 for the Agreement to enter…
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مبادرات الكوميسا التي تم الاستشهاد بها في المنتدى العالمي للتجارة والاستثمار باعتبارها ممارسات جيدة

تم الإقرار بأن كل من جائزة الابتكار للكوميسا، ومنتديات البحوث السنوية، وبرنامج درجة الماجستير الافتراضية في التكامل الإقليمي باعتبارها من أفضل الممارسات في مجالي التجارة والاستثمار. وتم تقديم الجائزة والمنتديات والبرنامج خلال منتدى لتقاسم المعرفة حول الممارسات الجيدة في مجالي التجارة والاستثمار الذي تم عقده في بروكسل بتاريخ 4 – 5 فبراير 2020. وبعد العرض…
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COMESA Initiatives Cited as Good Practices at Global Forum on Trade and Investment

Lusaka, Monday, February 24, 2020: The COMESA Innovation Award, the Annual Research Forums and the Virtual Master’s degree programme in regional integration have been acknowledged as some of the best practices in trade and investment. The three were presented during a Knowledge Sharing on Trade and Investment Good Practices forum conducted in Brussels on 4-…
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Numéro 612 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

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eComesa Newsletter Issue No. 612

eCOMESA Newsletter Issue No. 612