
Le COMESA rencontre les opérateurs économiques soudanais

Des membres de la Fédération soudanaise des opérateurs économiques et des employeurs ont rencontré la délégation du COMESA lors d’un atelier d’une journée qui s’est tenu à Khartoum le 21 janvier 2020. La Secrétaire générale, Mme Chileshe Kapwepwe, accompagnée par les chefs des Institutions du COMESA, les directeurs et experts du commerce, de l’industrie et…
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COMESA Meets Sudanese Business Community

Members of the Sudanese Businessmen and Employer’s Federation interacted with the COMESA delegation during a full-day workshop held in Khartoum on 21st January 2020. Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe joined by Heads of COMESA institutions, Directors and Experts in Trade, Industry and Economics participated in the interactive session which was the first of its kind for…
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L‘Antenne soudanaise de la FEMCOM signe un Mémorandum d’accord avec le Gouvernement

La Fédération des associations nationales des femmes entrepreneurs de l’Afrique orientale et australe (FEMCOM) a signé un Mémorandum d’accord (Médac) avec le Gouvernement du Soudan qui servira de cadre de coopération entre les deux parties pour l’autonomisation des femmes. La Directrice générale de la FEMCOM, Mme Ruth Negash, a signé pour l’institution tandis que le…
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FEMCOM Sudan Chapter Signs MoU with Government

The Federation of National Associations of Women in Business from Eastern and Southern Africa (FEMCOM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Sudan which will act as a framework for cooperation between the two parties in empowering women. FEMCOM Chief Executive Officer Ms Ruth Negash signed for the institution while the…
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Le COMESA et le Soudan se concertent sur les questions d’intégration régionale

La semaine dernière, la Secrétaire générale (SG), Mme Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe, a dirigé une délégation de haut niveau composée de chefs des institutions, des directeurs et de hauts cadres du COMESA à Khartoum, au Soudan, en mission pour réengager des concertations avec les dirigeants sur la participation de ce pays aux programmes d’intégration régionale qu’exécute…
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COMESA and Sudan Engage On Regional Integration Issues

Secretary General (SG) Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe last week led a high-level delegation comprising of Heads of COMESA institutions, Directors and Senior Officers in Khartoum, Sudan on a tour of duty to re-engage the leadership on that country’s participation in regional integration programmes as spearheaded by the bloc. The delegation met Prime Minister Right Hon. Abdalla…
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COMESA and Sudan Engage On Regional Integration Issues

Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday 19 Jan, 2020: Secretary General Chileshe MpunduKapwepwe is leading a high-level delegation comprising of Heads of COMESA institutions, Directors and Senior Officers in Khartoum, Sudan on a tour of duty to re-engage the leadership on that country’s participation in regional integration programmes as spearheaded by the bloc. The delegation has so far…
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Sudan and Zimbabwe Envoys Bid Farewell to COMESA

The ambassadors from the Republic of Sudan and Zimbabwe to Zambia and Permanent Representatives to COMESA their Excellencies Hussein Awad Ali and Getrude Takawira have bade farewell to COMESA Secretariat as their tour of duty has come to an end. Secretary General Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe held a brief ceremony at the Secretariat on Tuesday 14…
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Zambia and Zimbabwe Planning Joint Industrialization Programme

The Governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe with support from the COMESA Secretariat are planning a joint industrialization programme which will build on the experiences and lessons learned from the existing joint ventures. The two countries are already cooperating in a number of sectors for structural and economic transformation since the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.…
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e-COMESA Newsletter Issue #607

[real3dflipbook id=’29’] Click here to download the e-comesa newsletter_607