
COMPTABLE SOUS LE 11e FED (Nouvelle annonce)

Le Marché commun de l’Afrique orientale et australe (COMESA) a reçu un financement de l’Union européenne dans le cadre du 11e Programme indicatif régional du Fonds européen de développement (FED) pour la région Afrique orientale, Afrique australe et océan Indien. Le COMESA s’est vu allouer une enveloppe financière indicative de 85 millions d’euros pour appuyer…
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e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No.603 – FR

e-comesa newsletter_603_fr

ZEP-RE Opens US$36m Business Park in Lusaka

Lusaka, Thursday, 5 December 2019: The PTA Reinsurance Company (ZEP-RE) has launched a US$36 million Business Park in Zambia’s capital Lusaka. This is the largest single investment in real estate for the COMESA institution in the Eastern and Southern African region. The nine floor star-shaped-environmentally-friendly building was officially launched by Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu who…
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eComesa Newsletter Issue No. 604

eCOM Newsletter Issue 604

40th COMESA Council of Ministers Meeting Held in Lusaka

Lusaka, Friday, 29 November 2019: The 40th COMESA Council of Ministers meeting took place in Lusaka on Friday 29th November marking the culmination of one week of activities to commemorate the organization’s Silver Jubilee. Ministers responsible for Trade, Commerce and Industry and Permanent/Principal Secretaries led the delegations to the annual meeting, whose primary objective was…
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COMESA – EU Sign €8.8m to Support Private Sector Competitiveness

Lusaka, Friday, November 29, 2019: The European Union and COMESA have today signed an 8.8m Euros Contribution Agreement to increase private sector participation in sustainable regional and global value chains through improved investment/business climate and enhanced competitiveness in the COMESA region. This was one of the activities conducted during the opening of the 40th Meeting…
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COMESA, EU Sign 8.8m Euros to Support Private Sector


COMESA Celebrates 25 Years

Lusaka, Thursday, November 28, 2019: The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa – COMESA,  celebrated 25 years since it was established in 1994 to succeed the Preferential Trade Area (PTA). More than 300 delegates, led by Ministers and their representatives from the 21 Member States attended the celebrations hosted alongside the annual COMESA Policy…
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COMESA Provides IT Equipment for Cross Border Trade Data Collection

Lusaka, Thursday, November 28, 2019: COMESA has provided $13,000 worth of assorted state of the art Information Technology (IT) equipment to the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZAMSTATS) to support data collection for small scale cross border traders. The equipment comprises of four Desktop Computers with flat screens, four Laserjet Printers, four Un-Interruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), four…
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