
Renforcement de la capacité de l’Union des Comores à lutter contre le blanchiment d’argent

Amesure qu’augmentent les cas de blanchiment de capitaux et de crimes connexes qui menacent la paix et la sécurité mondiales, les pays de la région prennent actuellement des mesures pour renforcer leur capacité de lutte contre ce fléau. L’Union des Comores est l’un des États qui ont pris cette menace au sérieux et collabore vec…
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Comoros’ Capacity to Fight Money Laundering Strengthened

Moroni- Comoros, Friday, October 4, 2019: As rising cases of money laundering and related crimes continue to pose global threat to peace and security, regional countries are taking measures to reinforce their capacity to combat the crime. The Union of the Comoros is one the states that have taken this threat seriously and is working…
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ESREM Supports Creation of Energy Regulator for Southern Africa

Johannesburg, Thursday, 3 October 2019: The COMESA led project on Enhancement of a Sustainable Regional Energy Market for the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean (ESREM/EA-SA-IO) Region is supporting the establishment of an energy regulatory authority in Southern Africa. This will be achieved by transforming the current Regional Energy Regulators Association of Southern Africa…
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Mise en place de l’équipe de pilotage du Programme du petit commerce transfrontière régional

Les petits commerçants transfrontières figurent parmi les principaux bénéficiaires des nouveaux projets en cours d’exécution depuis une année dans la région tripartite COMESA-EAC-SADC. Ces projets sont l’Initiative régionale en faveur du petit commerce transfrontière (IPCTF) d’un montant de 15 millions d’euros et le Projet de facilitation du commerce d’un montant de 53 millions d’euros. Ils…
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Project Steering Team for Regional Cross Border Programme Inaugurated

Lusaka, Monday, September 30, 2019: Small cross border are the key beneficiaries of new projects aimed at increasing formal small-scale cross border trade flows in the COMESA, EAC and SADC Tripartite region. The first is a 15 million euros Regional Small-Scale Cross Border Trade Initiative (SSCBTI) project, while the second is a 53m euros Trade…
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eComesa Edition 596

eCOM Issue 596

Countries Participating in the COMESA FTA Set to Increase

Tunis, Friday, September 27, 2019: The number of countries participating in the COMESA Free Trade Area is set to rise as Tunisia prepares to join the trading regime by the end of this year. Trade Minister Omar Behi told a visiting COMESA delegation that the government has established a thirty-member national technical committee on the…
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Holy See Appoints Special Rep to COMESA (Video)

  Lusaka, Tuesday, September  23, 2019: The Vatican has appointed His Excellency Ambassador Archbishop Gianfranco Gallone as Special Representative to COMESA. The new Ambassador, who presented his Letter of Credence to Secretary General Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe at the Secretariat on Monday 23rd September 2019, will work as the link between the Secretariat in Lusaka and…
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Numéro 595 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

Numéro 595 de La Dépêche e-COMESA

e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 595 – FR

eCOM Issue 595 fr