e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 583
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Chisamba, Zambia, May 10, 2019: National content developers from 10 COMESA Member States this week trained on the use of the 50 Million African Women Speak platform in Chisamba, Zambia. The 8-10 May training workshop was designed to introduce the 50 Million African Women Speak Project and platform to the national content developers and give…
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Kampala, Uganda, May 9, 2019: COMESA Court of Justice has conducted a one day seminar targeting lawyers in Uganda and also launched its User’s Manual; a simple guide on how to handle legal matters in the Court. The seminar was themed: ‘Role of COMESA Court of Justice in Promoting, facilitating and Protecting Trade and Investments’. This was…
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Nairobi, Friday, April 25, 2019: The COMESA Monetary Institute has introduced changes in its administrative and budgetary matters to enhance the efficiency of the Institute in execution of its mandate. This follows the Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Bureau of the COMESA Committee of Governors of Central Banks in Nairobi, Kenya, on 26th April 2019. The…
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Lusaka, lundi 6 mai 2019: Le deuxième Forum de coordination conjoint du COMESA et de ses partenaires de développement a débuté aujourd’hui à Lusaka, en Zambie. L’objectif du Forum est de servir de plate-forme pour un dialogue régulier et structuré aux niveaux politique et technique en vue d’une concertation constructive et de la promotion des…
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Lusaka, Monday, May 6, 2019: The 2nd joint coordination forum of COMESA and its Development Partners began today in Lusaka, Zambia. The objective of the forum is to provide a platform for regular and structured dialogue at the policy and technical levels for constructive engagement and the promotion of best practices on development cooperation matters.…
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Huit pays du COMESA ont maintenu leur forte production de sucre, la majeure partie du sucre brut étant exportée vers l’Union européenne, les États-Unis d’Amérique et la Chine. Le premier producteur de sucre de la région est le Royaume d’Eswatini avec plus de 650 000 tonnes métriques, suivi de l’Égypte à 595 000 tonnes, puis…
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