
e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 571

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Projecteurs de contenu du projet

Contexte du COMESA et du Projet 50MAWSP Le COMESA est la plus grande communauté économique régionale (CER) en Afrique. L’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation économique des femmes est l’un de ses domaines prioritaires pour renforcer le développement économique de la région. Le travail du COMESA sur le genre et l’autonomisation des femmes est soutenu par…
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Communication Policy and Strategy 2016-2020

    COMESA Communication Policy & Strategy

COMESA Court Moves to Digital Justice System

Lusaka, Wednesday, January 30, 2019:  The Court of Justice of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is implementing a paperless digital courtroom after signing up with CaseLines – the world’s leading global provider of digital evidence management. Aiding improvements in the rule of Law, CaseLines is a critical tool that helps nations…
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Press Release: European energy regulators sign MOU with Eastern and Southern Africa energy regulators

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)1 and the Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa (RAERESA)2 have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that establishes a 3-year collaboration between European and Eastern/Southern African energy regulators, which will be facilitated by COMESA3. The newly-elected President of CEER, Dr Annegret Groebel, and RAERESA…
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RAERESA appoints Consultant to develop Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy for the EA-SA-IO Region

Lusaka, 23rd January 2019: COMESA through the Regional Association of Energy Regulators of Eastern and Southern Africa (RAERESA) has appointed a Zambian firm to develop a Synthesized Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy for the EA-SA-IO Region. The short-term consultancy contract worth $124 506 was awarded to Centre for Energy Environment and Engineering of Zambia…
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e-COMESA Newsletter Issue No. 570

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COMESA Toasts President Rajoelina of Madagascar

Lusaka, Monday Jan 21, 2019: Secretary General Ms Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe has sent a message of congratulations to Madagascar’s new President His Excellency Andry Nirina Rajoelina for winning the 2018 Presidential elections. President Rajoelina is now the Chairperson of the COMESA Authority taking over from former President Hery Rajaonarimampianina. “As President of Madagascar, you automatically…
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Uganda’s Minister of Trade briefed on COMESA’s Regional Integration Issues

Lusaka, Saturday Jan 19, 2019: Uganda’s Minister of Trade Honourable Amelia Kyambadde met COMESA’s executive management in Lusaka on Saturday January 19 where she was briefed on COMESA’s regional integration programmes in general with a focus on Uganda. Secretary General Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe supported by Assistant Secretary General Administration and Finance Dr Dev Haman, Director…
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