
Experts Review Proposals of Strengthening Regional ICT Associations

A technical working group under the Enhancement of Governance and Enabling Environment in Information and Communication Technology (EGEE-ICTs) programme is meeting in Kigali, Rwanda for a two-day validation workshop to review a study from a consultant on how they could provide assistance to the Regional ICT sector Associations. The experts from COMESA, SADC, EAC, IGAD…
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Need for Speed in Ratifying COMESA Legal Instruments

Lusaka, Thursday,  3 November 2022: The need for speed in ratifying and implementing various legal instruments agreed upon in the past was a rallying call during the 25th Meeting of COMESA Ministers of Justice and Attorneys Generals, conducted in Lusaka, Zambia, Thursday, 3rd November 2022. Keynote speakers at the meeting including the Secretary General of…
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Enlisting the Media in Raising Public Awareness on Regional Infrastructure Programmes

Seychelles, Saturday, October 29, 2022: In an initiative aimed at strengthening air travel and ICT connectivity, five regional economic communities and the European Union have enlisted the regional media to raise public awareness on the implementation of two projects. These are Support to the Air Transport Sector Development (SATSD) and the Enhancement of Governance and…
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Building Capacity of National Counter Terrorism Centers

Representatives from National Counter Terrorism Centers from nine COMESA countries were conducted on a four-day capacity building training to strengthen their knowledge and experience on counter terrorism measures.  The training was also intended to give Member States an opportunity to share lessons and best practices to deal with terrorism. Kenya, Libya, Somalia, Tunisia, Ethiopia and…
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Statistical Capacity Building Regional Workshop on Food Balance Sheets

Food Balance Sheets (FBS) statistics are critical for assessing a country’s food security situation and, more broadly, for assessing the general strength of a country’s entire food and agriculture sector. They help to understand the state of supply and use of each food commodity within a given country, track progress against established development goals and…
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AfDB, COMESA Initiative Towards Harmonized Consumer Price Indices in Africa

Naivasha, Kenya, Friday, October 14, 2022: COMESA in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) conducting a five-day regional workshop in Naivasha, Kenya 10 – 14 October 2022, on harmonizing consumer price indices in Africa. The aim is to improve measurement process of national and regional Harmonized Consumer Price Indexes (HCPIs). This initiative follows an…
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Stakeholders in Seychelles Consult on Country’s Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment

Over 20 senior officials drawn from selected government ministries in Seychelles participated in a five-day consultative workshop to disseminate the country’s specific Structural Vulnerability/Resilience Assessment (SVRA) and identifying the necessary response strategies. Conducted by the COMESA Secretariat through the Governance, Peace and Security (GPS) Unit, the workshop was aimed at sensitizing the participants on the…
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COMESA Member States Meet to Prepare for COP27 in Egypt

The 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) on Climate Change will take place in Egypt from on 6 – 18 November and COMESA is gearing up for robust participation. On 6 – 7 October 2022, representatives from 13 Member States met in Harare, Zimbabwe for a preparatory workshop to develop a Regional Position Paper. In the…
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Experts Meet to Review Progress on Liberalization of Trade in Services in COMESA Region

Lusaka, Monday, October 10, 2022: Progress on the implementation of the COMESA liberalization programme on trade in services in the COMESA region is the focus of a three- day meeting of experts that got underway in Lusaka, Zambia today. This is the 12th meeting of the Committee on Trade in Services (TIS) whose key mandates…
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States Urged to Upscale Utilization of COMESA Free Trade Preferences

Lusaka, Friday, October 7, 2022: Countries that are members of the COMESA Free Trade Area have been urged to upscale utilization of the preferences provided under the free trade area (FTA) regime. Currently, it is estimated that the intra-regional utilization rate of the FTA preferences, by COMESA Member States averages 48.4 percent relative to 77…
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