
Blue Economy Statistical System Account Developed

The COMESA region is set to benefit from the development of the Blue Economy Fisheries Satellite Account meant to help the region get appropriate data on marine fisheries and promote efficient use of fisheries resources. Working with ECOFISH, a programme funded under the European Development Fund (EDF11) Cross Regional envelope, several Regional Economic Communities (RECs)…
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Zambian Media Enlisted in Projects’ Communications

Media practitioners in Zambia have been enlisted to support public communication of regional integration programmes being implemented jointly by the government, COMESA and the European Union. About 40 journalists comprising of editors and reporters participated separately in a two-day each sensitization programme conducted on 21 – 24 February 2022 in Lusaka. The event was organized…
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دليل الكوميسا اإللكترونى – التدريب على برنامج »تريدسيفت«

دليل الكوميسا اإللكترونى – التدريب على برنامج »تريدسيفت« الفرصة المتاحة لصناع السياسات في الدول األعضاء بالكوميسا وللعاملين باألمانة العامة والباحثين والمحاضرين بالجامعات والطالب لتعزيز قدراتهم في مجال تحليل السياسات التجارية ُ عن طريق برمجية سهلة االستخدام ُمسمى الدورة التدريبية: تحليل بيانات التجارة الدولية باستخدام برنامج تريدسيفت TradeSift تاريح الدورة التدريبية: اإلثتين 28 فبراير – الخميس…
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Brochure électronique COMESA – Formation TradeSift

Une occasion pour les décideurs politiques des États membres du COMESA, le personnel du Secrétariat, les chercheurs, les professeurs d’université et les étudiants de renforcer leurs capacités d’analyse de la politique commerciale à l’aide d’un logiciel convivia Titre du cours: Analyse des données du commerce international avec TradeSift Date (à confirmer): Lundi 28 février –…
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e-COMESA Newsletter 683

e-COMESA Newsletter 683

COMSHIP Launched in Tunisia to Widen Regional Seed Market

Tunisia has become the 19th COMESA Member State to launch the Regional Seed Harmonisation Implementation Plan (COMSHIP). The overall goal of COMSHIP is to implement the COMESA Seed Trade Harmonisation Regulations which are expected to enhance seed production, reliability, improve seed trade including increasing the competitiveness of the seed industry in the southern and east…
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RIFF Holds Planning Workshop for Project Roll-out

The Regional Infrastructure Financing Facility (RIFF), an investment financing arm funded by the World Bank to support infrastructure development in the COMESA region is set to roll out its activities for 2022. Recently, the Project Implementation Unit of the RIFF held a three-day orientation workshop in Siavonga south of Lusaka to discuss the work plan…
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Regional Annual Inflation Rate at 180.1% to Close 2021

The annual inflation rate in the COMESA region was recorded at 180.1 % as at December 2021. According to the latest Harmonised Consumer Price Index (HCPI) monthly news release produced by the Statistics Unit at COMESA Secretariat, the December inflation rate was up from 156.8% registered in November 2021. A year earlier, the rate was…
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COMESA Signs AU Protocol to Consolidate Relations

Secretary General of COMESA Her Excellency Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe has signed the Protocol on Relations between the African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) meant to consolidate relations with the mother body. Witnessed by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission HE. Moussa Faki Mahamat and East African Community (EAC) Secretary General Dr.…
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COMESA-TRADESIFT TRAINING: Analysing International Trade Data using TradeSift

An opportunity for COMESA Member States’ policy makers, Secretariat staff, researchers, university lecturers and students to enhance their capacity in trade policy analysis using a friendly software! COURSE TITLE: Analysing International Trade Data using TradeSift COURSE DATE (TBC): Mon 28 February 2022 – Thurs 3 March 2022 COURSE DURATION: 4 days comprised of live webinars…
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