
انعقاد قمة الكوميسا خلال الشهر الجارى

الإثنين الموافق 1 نوفمبر 2021 : تنعقد قمة رؤساء الدول والحكومات في الكوميسا في 23 نوفمبر 2021 . وبناءا عليه تم وضع شعار جديد للقمة لحشد الدول الأعضاء خل ف مجال التركيز في تنفيذ برامج التكامل الاقليمى . تستضيف حكومة جمهورية مصر العربية هذه القمة التى تأتى عقب مرور ثلاث سنوات منذ انعقاد القمة الأخيرة…
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Le Sommet du COMESA se tient ce mois-ci

Lundi, 1er novembre 2021 : Le 21e Sommet des chefs d’État et de gouvernement du COMESA se tiendra le 23 novembre 2021. Un nouveau thème a été ainsi conçu en vue de rallier les États membres sous la bannière de la mise en oeuvre des programmes d’intégration régionale. Le Sommet sera abrité par le gouvernement…
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COMESA Summit Takes Place this Month

Tuesday, November 02, 2021: The 21st COMESA Heads of State and Government Summit will take place on 23 November 2021. Consequently, a new Summit theme has been developed to rally Member States on the focus area in the implementation of regional integration programmes. The Summit will be hosted by the Government of Egypt and comes…
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COMESA Summit Takes Place on 23 November

The 21st COMESA Heads of State and Government Summit will take place on 23 November 2021. Consequently, a new Summit theme has been developed to rally Member States on the focus area in the implementation of regional integration programmes. The Summit will be hosted by the Government of Egypt and comes three years since the…
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Zambia Launches Structural Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Strategy

The Government of Zambia has launched the Country Structural Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Process (CSVRA). The strategy is expected to enhance national resilience and responsiveness to various structural vulnerability factors that can impact on Zambia’s stability, security, and development Supported by the African Union Commission (AUC) and COMESA Secretariat, the CSVRA is designed to facilitate…
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Speech by the Secretary General during the 42nd Intergovernmental Committee

  Speech by the Secretary General of COMESA during the IC meeting 02-11.2021

Fresh Call to Regional States to Implement COVID-19 Trade Facilitation Guidelines

Tuesday, November 02, 2021: A fresh call has been made to COMESA countries to ensure full implementation of the guidelines for the movement of goods and services that was developed last year to facilitate regional trade during the Covid-19 pandemic. Zambia Minister for Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon Chipoka Mulenga told delegates attending the 42nd…
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Joint Ministerial Conference on Youth in Regional Peace and Security

A five-day high-level ministerial conference on the role of regional economic communities in promoting the youth, peace and security agenda in the East and the Horn of Africa will take place in Nairobi, Kenya 1- 5 November 2021. The objective of the conference is to promote the youth peace and security agenda through advocacy for…
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Zambia is re-strategizing to increase its intra-COMESA trade share

The new government of Zambia is working on fresh strategies to increase its trade within the COMESA region, by closely collaborating with the COMESA Secretariat, which is based in Lusaka. This is according to the new Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Chipoka Mulenga. In a meeting with COMESA Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe who…
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Zambia to Launch the Structural Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Strategy

The Government of Zambia will launch the Country Structural Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Strategy (CSVRA) next week. The strategy is expected to enhance national resilience and responsiveness to various structural vulnerability factors to prevent possible conflict. Backed by the African Union Commission (AUC) and COMESA Secretariat, the CSVRA is designed to facilitate the identification of…
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