
eCOMESA Newsletter Issue No. 645

In this Edition; Export Similarities Contributes to Low Intra-COMESA Trade Region Targets $5B Worth of Seed Trade by 2025 COMESA Media Awards -2021 Call for Entries Zambia Volunteers for Structural Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment COMESA to Construct Border Export Zones for Small Scale Traders Differently Abled Persons find Livelihood in Textile Cluster Download

Export Similarities Contributes to Low Intra-COMESA Trade

Export similarities in COMESA Member States is a major contributor to the low intra-COMESA trade as well as with the rest of Africa. According to findings presented at the recent COMESA Annual Research Forum, the current export structure depicts a region that produces more or less similar products in terms of their export sophistication. The…
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Zambia Volunteers for Structural Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment

Zambia is set to become the first country in COMESA and the third in Africa, after Ghana and Ivory Coast, to undergo Country Structural Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment (CSVRA). The decision to volunteer for CSVRA, an Africa Union-led initiative, was made during a Cabinet meeting on 26 October 2020. The decision is aligned to the…
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Region Targets $5B Worth of Seed Trade by 2025

Regional seed trade in the COMESA countries stands at USD 2 billion but this is set to rise to USD 5 billion by 2025 with the implementation of new initiatives. One of them is the rolling out of the COMESA seed labels and certificates. The development of the labels and certificates is part of the…
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eCOMESA Newsletter Issue No. 644

In This Edition: Opportunities Abound for Turning Around the Low Intra-Regional Trade Former Judge President of COMESA Court Passes on Congratulations to the New President of Seychelles 50 Million African Women Speak Platform Unveiled in D R Congo Addressing Bottlenecks Affecting Simplified Trade Regime in the Great Lakes Trade Information Desk Helps Seal Illegal Trade…
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Opportunities to Turn Around the Low Intra-Regional Trade Abound

Intra-regional trade among the 21 Member countries of COMESA is estimated at 7%. This low performance is attributed to inadequate participation of all Member States in the COMESA Free Trade Area and the challenges they face in implementing regional commitments. The situation is further aggravated by poor physical connectivity leading to high transportation costs, prevalence…
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Congratulations to the New President of Seychelles

COMESA has congratulated H.E Wavel Ramkalawan following his election and taking the oath of office as the new President of Seychelles. President Ramkalawan was elected during the Presidential and Parliamentary elections conducted on 22 – 24 October 2020. In her message issued on behalf of the Chair of the COMESA Authority and the regional organization,…
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Late COMESA Court Judge has left an Indelible Legacy

The immediate former Judge President of the COMESA Court of Justice Nzamba Kitonga who passed away on Saturday, October 24, 2020 has left an enduring legacy in the regional legal system. Justice Kitonga, served the COMESA Court for ten years, from 2005 to 2015 when the tenure of the Bench he led came to an…
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Zambian Leather Cluster Certified

Chingola Leather Cluster in Zambia has been awarded a Standards certificate by the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS). This means that the cluster’s products have attained the stipulated standards and can now compete at the national and international markets. The certificate was handed over to the Chingola Cluster by the Coordinator of the COMESA Adjustment…
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Trade Information Desk Helps Seal Illegal Trade Routes

The establishment of a COMESA Trade Information Desk (TID) at the Nakonde border between Zambia and Tanzania has led to a massive reduction in the use of illegal routes by small scale cross border traders. The TID which is run by the Cross-Border Traders Association CBTA was established under the COMESA Regional Integration Support Mechanism…
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