
Le COMESA a élaboré des politiques clés pour l’élevage et la pêche

Le COMESA a élaboré trois politiques majeures en vue d’aider à la croissance du secteur de l’élevage et de la pêche une fois que les États membres les auront adoptées. Les politiques ont été élaborées avec la pleine participation des États membres, du Secrétariat, des institutions internationales, d’autres organisations régionales et des partenaires de coopération.…
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Countries Urged to Adopt Climate Change Resilience Framework

COMESA countries have been urged to adopt the Regional Climate Change Resilience Framework and use it as a guide to develop their own national resilience frameworks. In addition, they should endorse the regional body, COMESA, as their delivery partner to have a harmonised regional approach. This was one of the decisions of the recent Council…
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Les pays sont exhortés à adopter un cadre de résilience au changement climatique

Les pays du COMESA ont été exhortés à adopter le Cadre régional de résilience au changement climatique et à l’utiliser comme guide pour développer leurs propres cadres nationaux de résilience. En outre, ils devraient reconnaître l’organe régional, le COMESA, en tant que partenaire d’exécution pour avoir une approche régionale harmonisée. C’était l’une des décisions de…
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COVID-19 in COMESA_Situational Update #39

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, five COMESA Member States: Egypt, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Kenya and Libya have notably recorded the highest number of cases. In the initial  stages after the outbreak the pandemic, Egypt, Kenya and Tunisia experienced high surge in cases. This however slowed after they put in place preventive…
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Study on the Socio-Economic Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic in COMESA Region Completed

COMESA Secretariat has conducted a study on the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region. The study is expected to help Member States in developing policies to address the impacts of the pandemic on their economies. According to the study, only six Member States: Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda are projected…
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COVID-19 Food and Nutrition Security Response Plan Endorsed

The Council of Ministers has endorsed the COMESA COVID-19 Food and Nutrition Security Response Plan developed to help the region deal with the impacts of COVID-19 on regional food security. The plan is designed to address immediate, short-term and medium-term food security and livelihoods needs while integrating the response effort to the long-term regional agriculture…
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Region Projects 0.6% Growth in 2020

COMESA region is projected to grow by 0.6% in 2020 down from 5.2% attained in 2019. This is according to a report on the macroeconomic developments in the region presented at just concluded COMESA policy organs’ meetings. The low projected growth in 2020 reflects largely the impact of COVID-19 containment measures that includes quarantine, lockdowns,…
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eCOMESA Newsletter Issue No. 647

In this Issue Study on the Socio-Economic Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic in COMESA Region Completed eCommerce has Sustained Economies During COVID-19, Zambia VP COVID-19 Food and Nutrition Security Response Plan Endorsed Kenya Gets Sugar Safeguard for Two More Years COMESA Sub-delegates to Zambia, the Upgrading of Selected Border Posts Download  eCOMESA Newsletter Issue 647

Kenya Gets Sugar Safeguard for Two More Years

Lusaka, November 28, 2020: COMESA Council of Ministers has granted Kenya a two year extension of the sugar safeguard beginning March 2021 to February 2023. In its 41st meeting conducted virtually on Thursday, 26 November 2020, the Council urged Kenya to share the modalities used in calculating the projected sugar deficit with other Member States…
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