
Phase II of Tripartite Capacity Building Programme Begins as AfDB Provides $1.1m for Implementation

COMESA Secretariat has received $1.1 million funding from the African Development Fund (AfDB) for the implementation of the Tripartite Capacity Building Programme Phase II. The funds will support COMESA, East African Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and their Member States to operationalize the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA), a major milestone…
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Study on the Sustainability of Trade Information Desk Underway

The World Bank funded Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project (GLTFP) has launched a three-months study to develop appropriate strategies of maintaining and sustaining the Trade Information Desk Offices (TIDOs) at the border points. The objective is to enable the TIDOs to continue facilitating cross border trade beyond the timelines of the main project which ends…
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Expression of Interest-LSP NATIONAL

COMESA BUSINESS COUNCIL LOCAL SOURCING FOR PARTNERSHIP (LSP) PROJECT – ZAMBIA NATIONAL TRAINER TENDER   NO. CS/PRO/CBC/SC/01 The COMESA Business Council (CBC) is the recognized Business Member Organization, established as a private sector institution of COMESA. We represent the interests of business sectors at a regional level.  The services provided go beyond advocacy, to actively promote…
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The Role of Trade Finance in Promoting Trade and the Implications of Covid 19

The Role of Trade Finance in Promoting Trade and the Implications of Covid 19[2]

مدير الميزانية والمالية

بموجب الإشراف المباشر للأمين العام المساعد للشؤون الإدارية والمالية والإشراف العام للأمين العام يتولى مدير الميزانية والمالية توفير خدمات الدعم المالية التى تتطلبها الأمانة العامة. ويقوم المدير بأداء دور قياد ى يتعلق بإسداء النصح فيما يتعلق بالإدارة المالية الشاملة لموارد الأمانة العامة ولمختلف برامجها ومشاريعها وذلك بهدف تيسير تحقيق أهدافها.

Directeur du Budget et Finances – P5

Le Marché commun de l’Afrique orientale et australe (COMESA) est un regroupement économique régional de 21 États membres avec une population estimée à 560 millions d’habitants. Le COMESA a été créé en 1994 pour succéder à la Zone d’échanges préférentiels des États de l’Afrique orientale et australe (ZEP) qui existait depuis 1981. Reconnue comme l’une…
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Director, Budget and Finance – P5

Under the direct supervision of the Assistant Secretary (Administration and Finance) and the overall supervision of the Secretary General, the Director of Budget and Finance will provide the financial support services required by the Secretariat. He/she will play a leadership and advisory role in the overall financial management of the Secretariat’s resources and its various…
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COMESA Bank in an Unprecedented Funds Mobilization

World Bank Approves $425 Million Towards Infrastructure Financing The World Bank Board of Directors has approved a total of US$425 million in International Development Association (IDA) financing to support infrastructure development in the Eastern and Southern Africa through the Trade and Development Bank (TDB) and COMESA Secretariat. This funding falls under the Regional Infrastructure Financing…
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USD 2.3 Million Project to Support DR Congo FEMCOM Chapter, as President Tshisekedi Visits Pavilion

The COMESA National Federation of National Associations of Women in Business (FEMCOM) Chapter in DR Congo has embarked on a $2,300,000 project to support women in business. Among the businesses earmarked include production and marketing of local fresh foods and smoked foods, fruits and vegetables. Others are value-added agricultural products and those involved in the…
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Adopting ICT is Critical in Post Covid-19 Trade Facilitation Programmes in COMESA Region

It’s close to two months since COMESA developed and issued guidelines for movement of goods and services across the region during the COVID-19 Pandemic. During this period, there has been a notable adherence to the guidelines and the advisories provided by World Customs Organisation (WCO) and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at…
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