
أكثر من 10 دول اعضاء جاهزة لبدء تجريب شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية للكوميسا

أكثر من 10 دول اعضاء جاهزة لبدء تجريب شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية للكوميسا. وتعد شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية هي إحدى أحدث الأدوات التي تم وضعها بموجب مبادرة منطقة التجارة الحرة الرقمية بالكوميسا. وقد أبدت الدول التالية استعدادها لبدء تجريب نظام شهادة المنشأ الإلكترونية بالكوميسا: بوروندي والكونغو الديمقراطية ومصر وإسواتيني وإثيوبيا وكينيا ومدغشقر وملاوي وموريشيوس ورواندا وسيشيل والسودان…
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السعي إلى تمديد مشروع دعم التجار عبر الحدود في إقليم البحيرات العظمى

تعاونت الكوميسا مع البنك الدولي من أجل تمديد فترة تنفيذ مشروع تيسير التجارة بالبحيرات العظمى لمدة عام واحد. ومن المُتوقع أن يساعد هذا التمديد غير ذي التكلفة في تعويض وقت التنفيذ الذي تهدر أثناء فترة فرض القيود الخاصة بفيروس موفيد – 19. ومن المُتوقع انتهاء فترة مشروع تيسير التجارة بالبحيرات العظمى المقدرة بأربع سنوات في…
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15 Member States Ready to Pilot the COMESA Electronic Certificate of Origin

Fifteen COMESA Member States are ready to  start piloting the COMESA Electronic Certificate of Origin (eCO) System. The eCO is one of the latest tools developed under the COMESA Digital Free Trade Area (DFTA) initiative. Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe have indicated their…
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Quest for Extension of Project to Support Small-Scale Cross Border Trade in the Great Lakes

COMESA has engaged with the World Bank to extend the duration of the implementation period of the Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project (GLTFP) by one year. The no-cost extension is expected to make up for lost  implementation time during the Covid-19 restrictions on movement. The four-year GLTFP is poised to end in December this year…
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Region Expected to Grow at 0.6% in 2020

The COMESA regional economy is projected to grow at a paltry 0.6% this year down from 5.2% recorded in 2019 and 6.0% in 2018. The slight dip in 2019 was attributed to lower commodity prices while the expected slump in 2020 will result from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic suggesting a deeper economic…
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Supporting Cross Border Trade with Masks

Cross Border Traders Association officials at Livingstone town in Zambia, receives a consignment of 1,250 face masks sent  by the COMESA Secretariat to support cross border trade. This was part of a 5,000 consignment of masks donated by the International Centre for Small Hydropower (ICSHP) based in China. COMESA and ICSHP have a collaborating framework…
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Tribute to the Late President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi

On behalf of the Authority of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), I would like to express my profound sadness and sincere condolences to the family, the Government, and the People of Burundi, following the sudden demise of His Excellency President Pierre Nkurunziza. The late President was a member of the COMESA…
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Ethiopia is Trailblazing in Climate-Resilient Green Economy

Ethiopia has inarguably taken the lead in the implementation of Climate-Resilient Green Economy to protect itself from the adverse effects of climate change with significant resources being deployed towards reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The key success stories are in afforestation and land rehabilitation; generation and distribution of electricity from clean and renewable sources and…
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Rwanda, Uganda Record Reduced Trade Flows

Rwanda and Uganda have recorded a reduction in trade flows in April and May 2020, according to the latest report from the COMESA Statistics on ‘COVID 19 Impact on Trade’. The report was prepared in the first two months in which COVID-19 spread to the region. Imports into Rwanda declined by 32 % in April compared…
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Design and Integration of an SMS-based Verification Module to the 50 Million African Women Speak Networking Platform using One Time Password (OTP) System

EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY SECRETARIAT– 50 MILLION AFRICAN WOMEN SPEAK NETWORKING PLATFORM PROJECT – REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTEAC/50MWSP/19-20/S/004 Consultancy Services to design and integrate an SMS-based verification module to the 50 Million African Women Speak Networking Platform using One Time Password (OTP) system. GRANT NO: 2100155032767PROJECT ID NO: P-Z1-G00-016 The East African Community (EAC) is a regional…
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