- COMESA is inviting eligible firms to submit technical and financial proposals for the following services: Consultancy to develop Sustainability Strategy for the 50 Million African Women Speak Platform (50MAWSP) to be procured under the Contract reference number CS/GEN/50MAWSP/18032025/SM-sm of the Contract.
- The Terms of Reference defining the minimum technical requirements for these services are attached as Annex 1 to this RFP.
- The maximum budget for this Contract is US $ 20,000. Proposals exceeding this budget will not be accepted.
- Your proposal must be presented as per Standard Proposal Forms attached as Annex 2 to this RFP in English language and be accompanied by copies of all the indicated supporting documents. If the supporting documents are not in English, these shall be accompanied by a certified translation into English.
- Submission of the technical and financial proposals must be in a written form to the email addresses below clearly quoting the reference number as stated.
- Your proposal should be addressed and submitted to: tenders@comesa.int and copied to procurement@comesa.int
- The deadline for submission of your proposal, to the addressed indicated in Paragraph 4 is: 8th April 2025