Request for Consultancy services to develop Sustainability Strategy for the 50 Million African Women Speak Platform (50MAWSP)

  1. COMESA is inviting eligible firms to submit technical and financial proposals for the following services: Consultancy to develop Sustainability Strategy for the 50 Million African Women Speak Platform (50MAWSP) to be procured under the Contract reference number CS/GEN/50MAWSP/18032025/SM-sm of the Contract.
  1. The Terms of Reference defining the minimum technical requirements for these services are attached as Annex 1 to this RFP.
  1. The maximum budget for this Contract is US $ 20,000. Proposals exceeding this budget will not be accepted.
  1. Your proposal must be presented as per Standard Proposal Forms attached as Annex 2 to this RFP in English language and be accompanied by copies of all the indicated supporting documents. If the supporting documents are not in English, these shall be accompanied by a certified translation into English.
  1. Submission of the technical and financial proposals must be in a written form to the email addresses below clearly quoting the reference number as stated.
  1. Your proposal should be addressed and submitted to: and copied to
  1. The deadline for submission of your proposal, to the addressed indicated in Paragraph 4 is: 8th April 2025
Download “Request-for-Proposal-Sustainability-Strategy.docx” Request-for-Proposal-Sustainability-Strategy.docx – Downloaded 23 times – 152.66 KB

Download “Terms-of-Reference-for-50MAWSP-Sustainability-Study_2025_Mar.docx” Terms-of-Reference-for-50MAWSP-Sustainability-Study_2025_Mar.docx – Downloaded 15 times – 60.96 KB