Silencing the Guns: AU, RECs Meet to Finalize Implementation Plan and Roadmap

The African Union Commission is conducting a meeting for Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (RECs/RMs) on the Implementation of the AU Master Roadmap of Practical Steps for Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2030.

The three-day meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, 6 – 8 June 2022 brought together participants from the relevant department of the AU Commission, Divisions within the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department, representatives from RECS/ RMs, representatives of the African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL), African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) and Economic, Social & Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) and representatives of AUC partners supporting silencing the guns project such as the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.

The meeting will finalise an implementation plan that will guide the operationalization of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework of the of the AU Master Roadmap Silencing the Guns AU and Regional Economic Communities converge to finalize implementation plan and road map on Practical Steps to silence the guns in Africa. This is addition to adopting the terms of reference of an AU-RECs/RMs Steering Committee on Silencing the Guns.

The meeting shall also agree on the establishment of the Steering Committee including the relevant departments of the AUC and focal points/officers in each REC/RM to follow up and coordinate activities related to the STG Initiative. The committee will contribute to enhancing collaboration and synergy with the RECs/RMs on the implementation of the AU master Road, in particular in increasing its domestication and popularization at the regional level.

It will also serve as a collaborative platform to facilitate regular exchanges between the AU, RECs/RMs, Civil Society Organizations, academia, private sector and other stakeholders that have a role to play in the implementation of the Silencing the Guns Master Roadmap.

Zambia Airforce Chief of Operations, Brig General Arthur Kalaluka opened the meeting Monday, 6 June 2022. It was co-hosted by COMESA through the Governance, Peace and Security Unit.

Coordinator of Silencing the Guns under the Political Affairs, Peace and Security at the African Union Commission, Mr. Advelkader Araoua, stated:

“The extension of the life span of the AU master roadmap on practical steps to silence the guns in Africa to the year 2030, is a test of our ability to deliver on our commitments to free the African continent from wars, civil conflicts, humanitarian crises, human rights violations, gender-based violence, and genocide.”

Head of Governance, Peace and Security at the COMESA Secretariat, Ms. Elizabeth Mutunga stressed the need to continuously assess the external environment in developing an implementation plan for the monitoring and evaluation.

“Emerging and unpredictable factors, that have not necessarily originated from our region are having a very big impact on the peace, conflict and security dynamics of our region,” she noted.