Small-Scale Women-led Industrial Projects Launched in Malawi

The Malawi Chapter of the COMESA Federation of National Associations of Women in Business (COMFWB) has launched three small-scale women-owned and led industrial projects in the northern region of the country. The launch took place on 6 – 7 June 2022 in Nkhata Bay, Mzuzu and Karonga.

Three organisations namely, Homes Industries Limited in Karonga, Chiwila Women in Landcare & Agribusiness in Mzuzu, and   Lusolawo Cooperative in Nkhata Bay are among the beneficiaries of the projects. Homes Industries launched a cooking oil processing line on 6 June 2022 while Chiwila and Lusolawo launched cassava plant and solar driers respectively on the following day.

The establishment and growth of such small-scale agro-based industries is expected to add value to job and wealth creation, food security and nutrition, and the creation of opportunities for Malawian women and youth to engage in competitive agriculture value chains as outlined in the Malawi National Development Plan 2063 (MW2063).

Representatives of women associations in Malawi, the COMFWB Malawi Chapter Chairperson and executive board members, the COMFWB Chief Executive Officer, Ms Ruth Negash, staff and senior officials from the Ministry of Trade and Industry were among the participants.

Trade and Industry Minister Hon. Mark Katsonga Phiri presided over the launch.  He said COMFWB’s mandate and role were strategically aligned to the country’s national development plan.

“More specifically in support of Pillar 1 on Agricultural Productivity and Commercialisation and Pillar 2 on Industrialisation, the plan affirms our collective ambition to develop Malawi into a food secure nation with a highly productive and commercialised agriculture sector that feeds into and propels the country’s manufacturing industry,” Mr Phiri said.

COMFWB, through the Malawi Chapter has up scaled the implementation of business incubator for African Women Enterprises (BIAWE) program and implemented various interventions in the Cassava value chains as indicted by Ms Negash.

“The program outcome includes establishment of clusters, provision of skills required by Cassava SMEs, enhancement in knowledge of Cassava trading centers and facilities, and creation of regional sector value chain supply and demand database.”

COMFWB Malawi Chapter has also signed implementation agreements with several other women-owned organizations in Malawi to implement Textile and Agro-processing projects and to establish business incubators and a Microfinance institution.

Chapter chairperson, Barbra Banda appreciated the COMFWB Secretariat and the Malawi government for the support which has led to the launch of the women projects.

COMFWB was established in July 1993 in Zimbabwe with the endorsement of the Authority which is made up of Heads of States and Governments of the COMESA Member States.